Editorial Cartoons
Definition of Insanity

Electing Kamala Harris isn’t “turning the page” as her idiotic campaign likes to repeat. It’s re-reading the last chapter.
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Cartoon by Gary Varvel, commentary by R. Mitchell, Editor-in-Chief
See more @Varvel toons HERE.
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Have a problem , let’s ask Harris , joke of the day.
Clinton’s and Obama’s will be out doing cash drives again for Harris, said it before and will say it again, money will not get Harris re-elected, she just does not have the necessary skills to be Commander and Chief, President, let alone restore our economy. The democrats just won’t admit she fumbles the ball in conversations, turning her responses into word salads of non comprehension. Then again endorsements from these two former Presidents will not carry that much weight, don’t even have to say what or why we all know. Harris as we all know should have never received the democrat nomination, she never received not one vote in the primaries or when she ran for higher office before. Democrats are trying to grin and bare their mistake with Harris without throwing up in public. She lacks leadership qualities, brain power, to think and resolve issues/ problems, either in words, actions or needed results.