
ABC News’ David Muir’s Fake Crime Statistics to Protect Kamala Harris

My daughter was chased by a man with a machete …, called the police, told them what happened, and wanted to file a report.  Two hours later the police had not called back [or] checked on the crime.  That’s how you know there’s no crime in Springfield.  No one is reporting it.

Springfield Ohio Mother explaining why the crime statistics have really gone down.  The Daily Wire, Sept. 21, 2024

[ABC News presidential Debate “moderator” David] Muir [contradicted Donald Trump’s claim that crime is going up nationally], saying, “The FBI says overall violent crime is coming down in this country.” Harris [has] been repeating [Muir’s] claim. But the actual statistics show Trump was right. The DOJ’s survey found that under the Biden administration, there has been a significant increase in crime. Violent crime up 37 percent from 2020 to 2023, rape up 42 percent, robbery up 63 percent, stranger violence up 61 percent [and] startling increases such as doubling of carjackings in D.C. in 2023.

Liberal GWU Law Professor Jonathan Turley, Sept. 14, 2024

Kamala Harris said “defund the police” movement “rightly” questioned the size of police budgets … On June 8, 2020, Harris … directly suggested the funding for police could be used in social programs. … Despite the nationwide [Defund the Police] movement, polling showed reducing police budgets remained heavily unpopular, even in 2020. A Pew Research poll found that just 25% of adults supported reducing police budgets and by 2021 that support had decreased to 15%.  47% of adults supported more police spending.

CNN, July 27, 2024

NYC Subway Murders Soar 60% As Nationwide Data Backs Trump on Crime Spike Under Biden-Harris

Zerohedge, Sept. 15, 2024

Do not travel to Haiti due to kidnapping, crime, civil unrest, and limited health care.

US Department of State, Sept, 14, 2024

One of the storylines dreamed up by the Democrat News-media Colluders (hereafter the DNC) to cheat the American people of the facts they need to make an informed decision in the presidential election of 2024 is that no one should believe their lying eyes that crime has gone way up under the “soft on crime” Biden-Harris policies.  By Harris’ “soft on crime” policies is meant her support for defunding the police and for radical bail policies that put violent criminals back on the street quickly, her early support for the rogue prosecutor movement (e.g., casting the tie-breaking vote in the Senate to confirm Rachael Rollins, who was later referred for criminal prosecution by the DOJ Inspector General, as United States Attorney—the chief federal law enforcement officer for the state of Massachusetts), etc., etc.

David Muir, one of the chief strategists in the Kamala Harris Campaign Committee at what’s left of ABC “News”, incorrectly fact checked Trump’s statement at their 3 against 1 “tag-team” match against Trump (aka the ABC “Trump-Harris Presidential Debate”).  Muir, who has a Ph.D. in Criminology from Ivy League Cornell University, corrected Trump, stating, “As you know, the FBI says overall violent crime is coming down in this country.”  Actually, that’s not right.  Muir has a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism from Ithaca College (which some people may have heard sits insecurely on the next hill over from Cornell). 

Perhaps that’s why comrade Muir can’t get the facts right about US crime rates.  Anyone who looks into the matter seriously can easily verify that the FBI statistics are “scandalously incomplete for two fundamental reasons”:

1.      As Trump explained, not all police departments report their statistics to the FBI. In 2023 (the last year for which there are complete records), New York, California, Louisiana, Arizona and other states submitted incomplete crime data.

2.      An even bigger factor is that not all victims report crime to the police. According to Table 4 in FBI’s report on “Criminal Victimization, 2023 only about 44 percent of total violent crime was reported to the police in 2023.

One would think the Democrats would have known this since they make the point themselves whenever it can be used to support their political agenda, i.e., to support legalizing the “undocumented” (illegal aliens, and, yes, that is the correct legal term) so that those aliens can vote for Democrats.  Democrats constantly point out that illegal aliens are afraid to report crimes against them for fear of being deported.  One would, therefore, have thought that Democrats would have known that a massive number of crimes involving illegal aliens, e.g., one illegal alien assaults another, go unreported.  How could this have slipped ABC’s Kamala Harris Campaign Committee “moderators” minds in their presidential debate? 

If the police in a small town of 60,000 like Springfield Ohio is used to dealing with x number of crimes every year, and, therefore, is prepared to deal with that number of crimes every year, and that small police force suddenly has to deal with 20,000 new foreigners behaving the way they do in their dangerous home countries, it is only common sense that this police simply cannot keep up, resulting in increased damage, both for the native US citizens and for the new immigrants, in that small town.  Wait! Don’t Democrats like to promote the impression that they care about these new immigrants?  Then why are they so eager to put them in situations where they cannot report crimes against them?  Are we allowed to use common sense anymore or is that too strictly forbidden?

If the police, overburdened by the ten million-plus illegals the Biden-Harris administration ushered into the country, and by the fact that they are disillusioned by the Democrat’s soft on crime policies, do not have time to pick up the phone, then the crimes don’t exist.  It’s like magic (typical leftist word magic)! 

If a tree falls in the forest and there is no one there to hear it, did it really happen?  If a migrant in a small town chases some young woman with a machete and the police do not answer the phone or investigate the report, did it really happen?  Democrats want you to think it didn’t occur.  But the victim, the US citizen, knows the truth.  And the illegal alien, victimized by another illegal alien, knows the truth too.  Unfortunately, these obvious facts don’t fit the Democrat’s election year narrative.   

Democrats (the Left) like to claim the corner on compassion, even in their destructive open border policies.  However, under the Biden-Harris administration 2022 saw a record number of deaths (853), many of them children, at the US southern border with Mexico.  Democrats and their media protectors are doing everything possible to conceal this human carnage, the entry of vicious criminal gangs and the murdered and raped girls and women like Laken Riley, Kayla Hamilton, 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray and many others resulting for their callous open border policies, from the public.  The crime victims of these indefensible policies are just “collateral damage” in the Democrat’s evil scheme to import enough needy new Democrat voters into the country to secure one Party rule for themselves in perpetuity.

Although SCOTUS ruled in 2020 that encouraging illegal aliens to remain in the country is a crime, that is precisely what the lawless Biden-Harris administration is doing.

That’s the Democrat Party!  That’s the failure in this country!

Former Democrat president of the Los Angeles Chapter of NOW, Tammy Bruce, July 8, 2024

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Richard McDonough

Richard Michael McDonough, American philosophy educator. Achievements include production of original interpretation of Wittgenstein’s logical-metaphysical system, original application Kantian Copernican Revolution to philosophy of language; significant interdisciplinary work logic, linguistics, psychology & philosophy. Member Australasian Debating Federation (honorary life, adjudicator since 1991), Phi Kappa Phi.

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One Comment

  1. The logic and facts in this article completely eviscerate the claims of the Dems and David Muir that Trump and team are exaggerating the claims that crime is on the rise.

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