Editorial Cartoons


Liberals, Progressives, Democrats, and unthinking selfish people of all sorts argued against these policies when Trump came up with and publicized them. Now, Kamala’s just taking Trump’s policies and claiming them as her own even though she has ZERO intention of making them happen.

It’s kind of like when Joe Biden canceled Trump’s EO that lowered insulin costs, then a few months later enacted as his own.

These are the politicians everyone should hate. They lie to your face. They steal ideas. And, they NEVER do anything they say they will.

Commentary by Editor-in-Chief R. Mitchell. Editorial cartoon by Tom Stiglich (@TStig822).

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Tom Stiglich

Starting at a young age Tom Stiglich fell in love with cartooning. This lifelong endeavor has landed Stiglich in the most prominent papers such as The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, USA Today, TIME Magazine and more.

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