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Why Kamala’s Laugh Is So Annoying


Could someone teach Kamala to laugh only when something is funny?

It’s not the sound of Kamala Harris’s laugh that is so irritating although, to be fair, it is. It’s that she laughs when nothing remotely funny has been said.

The blandest statements (usually her own) prompt her to explode into gales of laughter, doubling over, wide-mouthed, nose crinkled, her entire body shaking, often accompanied by handclapping and foot-stomping.

These performances would be show-offy at a Dave Chappelle show, but Harris does it to punctuate a sentence. Here’s an actual transcript of some of her remarks at a recent Las Vegas rally:

Harris: “Can we hear it for Tim Walz? Hahahahahahahaha!

“Hey Nevada! Oh, it’s so good to be back. Good evening, everyone, good evening, good evening, good evening, good evening. Hahahahahahahaha!

“Oh, I see lots of friends. Oh, it is good to be back, it is good to be back. Hahahahahahahaha!

“But seriously, isn’t Tim Walz fantastic? Hahahahahahahaha!

“And I know for some folks you’re just getting to know him and you’ve heard he’s had many titles over his life — governor, congressman, dad, husband, coach.  Hahahahahahahaha!”

“The power is with the people. It’s with the people. Hahahahahahahahaha!

“And so, in the next 87 days, we need you to use your power. Hahahahahahahahaha!”

Statements like “it’s good to be back” and “isn’t Tim Walz fantastic?” aren’t bad jokes, they’re not jokes at all. They’re not even passingly amusing remarks.

In January 2019, as Harris was entering her third year as a U.S. senator, MSNBC’s Jonathan Capehart asked her the most cliched of all questions: Did she plan to run for president someday?

A stupid and pointless question under any circumstances, but especially when addressed to a woman of color in the Democratic Party.  (I predicted she’d be the Democrats’ next presidential nominee, when she was running for senate in 2016, based on my trademarked formula: Is she a woman and is she non-white?  I was only four years off.)

CAPEHART: “Sen Harris, when your time comes, when your godchildren and grandchildren ask you, ‘what did you do?’ will your response be, ‘I ran for president.’?”

For the next 15 seconds – an eternity at a spoken event –- Harris couldn’t stop laughing.  Energetically.

SECOND 1: Kamala lets loose with her signature cackle.

SECOND 2: Audience cheers.

SECOND 3: Kamala’s doubles over with laughter — hahahaha!

SECOND 4: Audience applauds and hoots.

SECOND 5: Kamala rocks back and forth with laughter.

SECOND 6:  Kamala is laughing so uncontrollably that she’s now stamping her foot

SECOND 7:  Audience cheering.

SECOND 8:  Kamala gasping for breath.

SECOND 9: Kamala seems to tear up she’s laughing so hard.

Okay, you get the gist. What’s hilarious about asking a U.S. senator if she’s planning on running for president?  (They all are.)

By forcing her audience to laugh with her, Harris makes them all look like nitwits. It’s a natural instinct to join someone laughing at his own joke, out of politeness. But what if it’s not funny?  If you don’t laugh, you’re rude, but if you laugh, you’re an idiot.

You can see how a person of normal intelligence reacts to Harris’ personal laugh-track in the video of her monologue on “wokeness” at a 2017 conference.

Harris: “You know, we have to stay woke. [Starting to laugh.] Like everybody needs to be woke. [Gasping for breath at her own hilarity] And you can talk about if you’re the wokest or woker [laughing so hard she can barely get the words out] but just stay more woke than less woke [laugh, laugh, laugh].


As Harris was nearly having convulsions at her own amazing wit, the other women on the stage, The New York Times’ Kara Swisher and Apple founder’s widow, Laurene Powell Jobs, sat immobile, gazing upon her with complete equanimity.

Liberal websites claimed that right-wingers were “enraged” at that video clip because Harris used the word “woke.” Don’t you wish!

At a 2022 press conference with Polish President Andrzej Duda, a reporter asked if the U.S. was willing to take more Ukrainian refugees and whether the Polish president had requested that they do so.


After a long hesitation, Kamala said, “A friend in need is a friend indeed” – then was in stitches for a full eight seconds. No one else in the room laughed, although, sadly, neither did anyone ask her to explain what was so funny.

Video clips of Harris cracking up ought to be in online dictionaries next to the word, “flibbertigibbet.”  Instead, the media has converted her inanity into the claim that she is “joyful.” You know who else is joyful? Dogs and children.

Ann Coulter is a best selling author and political commentator. 

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