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Wall Street Stops The Biden/Harris Spin Cycle

Joe Biden has a credibility problem, and his White House and Administration have been caught in so many lies in three-plus years that have been chronicled everywhere. With the help of the legacy media, Joe Biden has managed to spin every negative news story, and together, they have gaslighted the American people to the point they are numb. The Left is numb, and they will believe without challenge anything that Joe Biden or his Press Secretary, Karine Jean Pierre, spew. The Right has only been angered by Joe’s spin, but the spin is about to stop.

For the Left to continue the gaslighting and the media to stay in lockstep will only make them look foolish and destroy any semblance of credibility that still exists. As the Trump/Vance media campaign ramps up and the debates begin, the truth will be exposed for those who have had their heads in the ground for three years. The only option for Harris is to avoid discussion or mention of the economy, but that does not leave many issues to discuss. She cannot talk about the border or immigration. She has to stay away from foreign policy as the war in the Middle East heats up and expands. She cannot talk about crime without mentioning her crusade to free protestors arrested during the Summer of Love. Her only option these last few weeks is to hide. She has made campaign speeches but has yet to field a question from the media. She is controlling her exposure, but that cannot continue. She can continue to paint ugly images of Trump and Vance, but it will be issues that people vote on. She is working hard to reinvent herself as a moderate, but there are too many people who remember her as the most liberal Senator and Vice President. History and truth will be enemies of the Harris campaign.

Wall Street has had much to say in the last three sessions, with the Dow falling over 2,000 points since last Wednesday. With inflation sucking every dollar from our wallets and our retirement dreams fading away as our 401k erodes, we do not want to hear comments from Harris about the United States having the most robust economy in the world. We live in America and don’t care how the economy is fairing in Sudan or Turkey. We want to know when we can stop stealing money from our retirement accounts to put food on the table or gas in our tanks.

We are not hearing a plan from Harris except for a continuation of the failed policies of Joe Biden. The results do not lie. Inflation in the high teens, 10 million illegal migrants scattered throughout the country, Israel under threat, and unclear about American support, and crime numbers positive only because we have decriminalized many crimes or don’t charge people for many crimes. But, without a single issue other than abortion to prop up, they have resorted to a campaign strictly focused on personalities. Then you have people like Nancy Pelosi, who has been dizzied by the spin and told America over the weekend that Joe Biden should be added to Mount Rushmore to celebrate his most incredible and consequential presidency. Comments like that prove that Nancy has been in Congress too long and should leave, hand in hand, with Joe Biden.

Content syndicated from Conservative View from New Hampshire with permission

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Ray Cardello

As a lifelong Conservative and resident of New Hampshire, Ray Cardello is positioned to speak with common sense about the happenings of the nation and the region. Conservative View from New Hampshire is Ray’s second blog and podcast effort in 20 years. He has published over 1,000 articles since January 2021, is syndicated on 15 websites, and is published on over 65 sites. Ray is passionate about his writing and sees the Internet as the only way for Conservatives to compete with the mainstream media. Ray claims there will be much to discuss as we move forward and his blog will not focus strictly on Washington but will also delve into State and Local issues as well. There is so much going on and so little factual sources of information to rely on.

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