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Today’s Anti-Democratic “Democrat” Party

My father [RFK] and my uncle [JFK] were members of a Democratic Party that was at the forefront of making sure that every American could vote for the candidate they wanted. Today’s Democratic Party is doing the opposite, disenfranchising many Americans, … The Democrat Party is trying to disenfranchise 51% of the people [the Independents] and that is completely inconsistent with the Democrat Party I grew up with.  I don’t think my father or my uncle would recognize this Democrat Party for that and for many other reasons, the complicity with censorship, that [former] Democrat Party was against war and this [new] Democrat Party is part of the War Machine, the betrayal of the Democrat Party with the values of working people, with cops, with firefighters, with union people and its new affiliation with Big Tech, Wall Street, Big Data, Big Pharma and this corrupt merger of State and corporate power, so I’m a little disillusioned with the Democrat Party today.

Former member of the iconic Democrat Kennedy family and current Independent presidential candidate blocked by the Democrats, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Aug, 20. 2024

We don’t want to be a spoiler. We wanted to win. We wanted a fair shot. The DNC made that impossible. They have banned us, shadow banned us, kept us off stages, manipulated polls, used lawfare against us, sued us in every possible state. They even planted insiders into our campaign to disrupt it and to create actual legal issues for us.  The extent by which the sabotage they’ve unleashed upon us [is] mind-blowing.  [W]e’re still learning new ways that they have sabotaged us.   I really wanted a fair shot at this election. And I believed in the America that I, [as] a little girl, pledged allegiance to and that is not where we are today. And it’s not because of the Republican Party taking us out. It is exclusively because of the Democratic Party taking us out.  I am so disappointed I ever helped them.

Nicole Shanahan, RFK, Jr.’s running mate Nicole Shanahan, Aug. 20, 2024

Since what remains of the Democrat Party is entirely opposed to democracy, and since the Biden-Harris’ administration disastrous policies are extremely unpopular with the American people, the Democrats, once again, cannot afford a free and fair democratic election in November.   Accordingly, what remains of the Democrat Party is employing a three-pronged strategy to get themselves installed into office in November.

The first part of the strategy is, undemocratically, to block any of the Biden-Harris’ administration Democrat competition from being able to run against them in the primaries.  RFK, Jr., who comes from the iconic Kennedy family, was blocked from running as a Democrat and forced to run for president as an independent.  It is not quite as easy for the Democrats to brand a fellow Democrat as Hitler or a White Supremacist, but since the Biden-Harris administration does not wish to face the embarrassment of having another Democrat, especially one from such an iconic Democrat family as the Kennedy’s, dismantle their indefensible record in public, they have decided to prevent him from being about the run against them at all.  Despite the fact that the Democrats, and comrades Biden and Harris themselves, are always going on, comically, about “saving our democracy,” RFK has explained how the Biden-Harris administration is more than willing to disenfranchise half the electorate, the Independents (and others) from even being about to cast a vote for them in a genuine democratic primary.   His running mate, Michelle Shanahan, explains how they have banned and “shadow-banned” them, manipulated polls, used lawfare and dirty tricks, infiltrating their campaign, to “sabotage” their campaign.  That doesn’t sound a whole lot like democracy, except perhaps for the “democracies” in Russia or Venezuela.  Perhaps that’s new model!  RFK, Jr. says his father and uncle would not even recognize what remains of the Democrat Party today.  Shanahan even regrets ever having helped them in the past. 

Second, since Kamala Harris was installed, without winning a single vote from the peasants, after Joe was rudely booted from the ticket, as the Democrat Party presidential candidate, and since the Biden-Harris administration policies were a disaster resulting in, among other horrors, high crime and inflation at home and lots of dead people both at home and in all the new wars abroad, Democrats have decided not to campaign on the Biden-Harris administration’s record.  They have instead decided to campaign on just how joyful Kamala is at having been installed as the presidential candidate without having to go through that dreadful business of winning any Democrat primaries.  Since genuine democratic process can be quite distressing, requiring that one actually know something, be able to talk coherently, and be able to answer questions and the like, Kamala is just joyful, and who can blame her, for having circumvented those old-fashioned tiresome and tiring democratic “primaries” and been installed, along with all the money that had been donated, not to her but to Joe, as the 2024 Democrat presidential candidate!  Just like her entire vice-presidency”, Harris didn’t have to actually do anything to get the reward.

The peasants are, therefore, being instructed to vote for Kamala, not because she actually knows how to do anything, but because she is just so dang joyful.  As a consequence, Kamala’s “campaign” and the Democrat National Committee which has just rubber-stamped the un-democratic deal without any input from the serfs, exhibits more laughing and giggling than a CNN political discussion panel.    

The third part of the campaign is to keep harping on just how dreadful Trump’s term was, often by repeating debunked falsehoods about Trump, but also, just like they do in Russia and Venezuela, by trying to bankrupt him or put him in prison using the same kind of lawfare they have wielded against RFK, Jr. and Shanahan.   

Unfortunately, harping on Trump alleged deficiencies, most of them fabricated via just the kind of dirty tricks they are using against RFK, Jr. and Shanahan, does nothing to help solve the problems of the American people.  It may help Harris and the Democrats keep joyfully laughing and giggling their way through another destructive term of office but it does not lower the price of groceries or gasoline for the peasants, or quell the rising crime all around the country, or end the crisis at the southern border (which Harris and the Democrats have just discovered just in time for the election).   Indeed, the Democrat Party does not seem particularly interested in the “the people” anymore except in order to manipulate and cheat them in election years.  “That’s the Democrat Party.  That’s the failure of this country!”

Since RFK, Jr. and Shanahan stress that it is the Democrats, not the Republicans, who are using undemocratic means to undermine their campaign, cheating that Trump has suffered from as well, and since this kind of undemocratic cheating is such an anathema to everything American, the RFK. Jr. campaign is even talking about endorsing the Trump. 

It would serve the Democrats right if their cheating ended up defeating them in November.   The Democrat’s long record of cheating against Trump, and the American people, is reason to reject them in November.  That’s the only way this cheating stops. 

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Richard McDonough

Richard Michael McDonough, American philosophy educator. Achievements include production of original interpretation of Wittgenstein’s logical-metaphysical system, original application Kantian Copernican Revolution to philosophy of language; significant interdisciplinary work logic, linguistics, psychology & philosophy. Member Australasian Debating Federation (honorary life, adjudicator since 1991), Phi Kappa Phi.

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