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They Told The Ultimate Lie

I have always felt it difficult to lie. The truth is easy to remember, but when you start to bend the facts, you have to remember your version of reality and who you told what. The Democrats are good at twisting the truth or, as some people would say, lying. The advantage the Democrats have is they distribute talking points to all, including the media, and everyone tells the same lie. The lie becomes the Democrat reality.

The Democrats, especially the inner circle of the Biden administration, told the ultimate lie, and they are getting away with it. They not only lied about the cognitive state and ability of Joe Biden, but they all covered up the lie. This lie concerned the person who could destroy the entire globe with the push of a button. These people convinced the American people that the Commander in Chief was of sound mind and body when it has been years since he was sound of either. We had a Manchurian President who they propped up a few days a week when he was in Washington to look coherent, and then they sent him off for three or four days to lie in the sand in Rehoboth. When they were successful with a deceit of this magnitude, it was easy to forget that you despised Kamala Harris a few weeks ago, and now you revere her as the second coming of Barack Obama. This woman who you mocked as the word salad queen, who you wanted off the ballot, is now charged with being the savior of the free world and defeating Donald Trump.

Rod Blagojevich, the former Democrat governor of Illinois, told Laura Ingram that the symbol for the Democrats should be changed from the jackass to Pinocchio. He claims that nothing they say can be trusted, and this is from a Democrat who served prison time for lying. Kamala Harris was the closest to Joe Biden and the epicenter of the lie, and now she is asking the American people to give her the Big Red Button.

This coup is a travesty of Democracy, the same Democracy that the Democrats claim is their highest priority. They are masters of projection and accuse Republicans of every sin of the Left. The problem for America is the media is complicit with every plot of the Left instead of being the neutral watchdog of the citizens. As long as we have a biased media, we will never have free and fair elections. The media is the poster child of election interference and coconspirator with the Democrats in their mission to tear down America. That is not hyperbole but fact. The Democrats despise America and have for decades.

When you can lie about the condition of the one person who is the country’s leader, all other lies are easy. Lies about the economy and manipulating data is a piece of cake. Inflating your impact on the global stage is child’s play. Claiming you are good Christians yet condoning the killing of the unborn up to the moment of birth is but a sleight of hand. We know politicians will make promises, but the Democrats operate in a different stratosphere. Forget promises. Those are for children. They will lie to your face and manufacture any version of reality to keep them in power and on the mission. Nancy Pelosi claimed Joe Biden deserves a spot on Mount Rushmore. Is there any statement more laughable? Maybe that shows how her mind is functioning, and, at 84, she should have hopped on the same bus she put Biden on to run him out of town.

Content syndicated from Conservative View from New Hampshire with permission

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Ray Cardello

As a lifelong Conservative and resident of New Hampshire, Ray Cardello is positioned to speak with common sense about the happenings of the nation and the region. Conservative View from New Hampshire is Ray’s second blog and podcast effort in 20 years. He has published over 1,000 articles since January 2021, is syndicated on 15 websites, and is published on over 65 sites. Ray is passionate about his writing and sees the Internet as the only way for Conservatives to compete with the mainstream media. Ray claims there will be much to discuss as we move forward and his blog will not focus strictly on Washington but will also delve into State and Local issues as well. There is so much going on and so little factual sources of information to rely on.

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