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The Democrat National Convention And The Movie “Old Yeller“

The sweet, old, emotional movie from the 1950s, Old Yeller, expressed the quiet love and devotion of a family pet. But the old yellers at the Democrat National Convention were the same bunch of lying over-modulators we’ve become familiar with when dealing with Democrat politicians.

Especially offensive and just plain noisy, were Biden on night one and Obama on night two. These two bombastic fools don’t understand the modern technological theory of electronic amplification and believe that they have to yell at the top of their lungs to be heard. And they did just that.

The substance of these two men’s words was as offensive as their volume (and one must not overlook the intentional stammering of Obama when he pretends to get wrapped up in his verbiage). Biden repeats the Democrat lie that Trump called soldiers fools and suckers, and Obama criticizes Trump for “dividing up families” illegally crossing our borders, although the Harris administration has lost track of 80,000 children to child traffickers these last three years. And if memory serves, the Obama administration originated the separation of children from their adult escorts in order to halt child trafficking. But as usual, Democrats lie about everything Trump does, because Trump’s ideas and policies actually work.

It seems that the philosophy of Democrat speakers is to make up in volume what they lack in meaningful commentary, and that’s what the DNC convention did.

And how about the stars of the DNC placing their right hand over their hearts as they receive applause? None of these Democrats care a whit about Christianity nor about patriotism, so what is the hand-over-the-heart thing about? Could it be a sign of blessing to each other in their love of our constitution? Not likely with this bunch.

It could possibly be just a contrivance to make all of us boobs watching the parading of Democrats believe they are sincere in their solemn attempt to lead the greatest nation on earth back from the perdition of the Biden/Harris administration. But it’s more likely to be a far-left sign showing allegiance to the great Obama and his Fundamental Transformation of America.

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Dave King

Retired AT&T supervisor.

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