The Democrat Machine Has Dumbed Down The Left
Can the average American, the one who wants to get a good education, get a good job, raise a family in a safe neighborhood, and pass along a better America to their children, ever feel like they have a say in their future? Have Americans relented so much power to the government that we are now destined to live at their whim? Has the big government machine developed a system to remove free thought from Americans thereby creating a country of lemmings, void of free will, amenable to being told how to manage every aspect of their lives? Anyone watching the happenings of the last five weeks with an open mind has to agree that we are no longer a government of the people but one that looks down on and uses its people to preserve the power of those at the top. It is truly a sad and disheartening time for America, and we are approaching a point of no return. That point is November 5.
I believe the Democrats are executing a master plan that began over 100 years ago when they decided they would use our education system to program generations of children to embrace the new America led by the Democrat Party. The Republicans are not innocent. They may not be in the situation room with the Democrats, but they have rolled over and allowed the Left to fundamentally change America into a new country of their vision. We are no longer a country of opportunity but of equity, where the system works to ensure we all arrive at the same destination.
This process of dumbing down America was crucial to the fundamental transformation first alluded to by Barack Obama. There had to be little resistance to the Democrat effort as it had to be slow, steady, and all-encompassing. They have succeeded. The last five weeks show that Democrats can envision a scenario, devoid of common sense, and sell it like a new scratch ticket. The effort was so spectacular that anyone can be slotted into any office, and the election is just a formality.
It is key to remember how Barack Obama exploded onto the highest levels of the political arena. He was a virtual unknown community organizer from Chicago. He was only an Illinois State Senator in 2004 when he gave the keynote speech in Boston. That November, he was elected Senator from Illinois, and four years later, he was sitting in the White House. Unknown, with no record and no experience, but he could whip up a crowd with a speech. That was his path to the top and millions in his bank account.
I bring this up because of the prime slot given to Alexandria Ocasio Ortiz at this year’s DNC. The Democrat Machine has big plans for Sandy. She has nothing to show for three terms in the House but can be a drama queen when given a microphone.
What the Democrats did this year to ignore democracy and simply switch Biden for Harris on the Democrat ballot shows they can do virtually anything they want, and the lemmings will merely nod and obey. These are dangerous times, and the people have little say. The power is in the hands of the few, and that is how the plan was designed. In the words of a Democrat operative this week, “The process is working.” Sadly, that is what we have evolved to.
Content syndicated from Conservative View from New Hampshire with permission
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Look at the voter base, NOT hard to do, they know it’s not hard to do, when you look at the low IQ voter bases they go after. There are A LOT of DUMBO people out there willing to be victims and believe the lies.
Yeah right Pelosi, Trump is Adolph Hitler, he wants me in poverty he hates us.