In The NewsSyndicated NewsWhite House Watch
President Joe Biden’s Schedule for Tuesday, August 13, 2024
Schedule Summary:
President Joe Biden will visit the Advanced Projects Research Agency for Health on Tuesday.
President Joe Biden’s Itinerary for 8/13/24
- 12:20 PM Depart the White House en route to New Orleans, Louisiana
- 2:50 PM Arrive in New Orleans
- 4:30 PM Tour the Advanced Projects Research Agency for Health and deliver a speech [Live Stream]
- 7:15 PM Depart New Orleans en route to the White House
- 9:40 PM Arrive at the White House
White House Briefing Schedule
* Starred items were announced after the schedule initially came out
CDN does not publish schedules on days when the president has no public events on his itinerary. Seriously, who wants to read an entire post that says “no public events”?
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