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One More Of Kamala’s Many Lies

The Democrat candidate for the presidency, Kamala Harris, said recently that she will halt the rate of inflation by attacking big corporations and their price-gouging of the American middle class. As usual, Kamala is a mile off base with her idiotic statement.

One wonders, according to former statements from our always-wrong, Socialist, Vice President, why the rate of inflation and all of the corporate price-gouging that Democrats claim is happening, didn’t occur under the Trump administration. After all, Trump is said by Democrats to be the candidate who prefers the rich and powerful corporations over regular citizens, and if Democrats are correct, he would have been the president to encourage price-gouging and the harm that it’s doing to American citizens. But inflation and the steep prices of all goods were at all-time, stable lows during the Trump administration.

Inflation only raised its ugly head with the coming of the Biden/Kamala administration, because their anti-petroleum and anti-automobile policies caused the very rapid increase in the price of gasoline, which causes all other prices to rise along with it. Plus, the Biden/Kamala administration started spending public money like drunken sailors on their lying, warming/change claims, and prices increased as big government payouts to promote their pro-green, radical ideas were made to their Democrat allies and supporters. Kamala’s and Biden’s pals got richer, and the American middle class got poorer.

Companies don’t like price increases on the products and services they sell, because as prices rise, fewer related consumer items are sold. So they prefer stable, reasonable prices that allow them to make a profit on sales consumers can afford. But when government forces high fuel prices and hits companies with increasing regulations, those companies have to pass on the costs of the higher prices to their customers, or stop doing business.

And oddly enough, the current cost of staying in business, at a time of higher costs imposed by the Kamala administration, is also occurring as Democrat-run cities are being overwhelmed with crimes that are forcing many companies to close their doors, because fools like Kamala Harris successfully pushed the stupid policy of defunding the police. So now criminals are running our largest cities, just like the Mexican gangs are running the human trafficking and drug running across Kamala’s open borders. So once again, American citizens suffer for the stupid decisions and policies of the Biden/Kamala administration.

So the question remains, why did inflation and the financial destruction of the American middle class begin in the control-freak Kamala Harris administration, yet remain so low during the Trump administration? It’s because of the crazy-Commie, Kamala Harris, and her destruction of America, along with the price controls that she wants to impose on American companies under the idiotic theory that all corporations are price-gouging, accompanied by the Democrat belief that only dictatorial control from the White House can fix the problem, a notion that will only hurt lower-income Americans the most.

Democrats are a plague on America, and Kamala has been leading this disease for over three years. We can’t afford to put her and her radical pals back in charge for another four years.

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Dave King

Retired AT&T supervisor.

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