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Kamala Owns The Border Mess

Kamala Harris is running for president and is on the campaign trail addressing issues like her slate is clean and she is defining her positions for the first time. Harris is gaslighting the American people to believe she has no responsibility for the policies of the failed Biden/Harris Administration, and the media is allowing her to pull off this ruse. It is becoming very clear that the coup of Joe Biden and the elevation of Harris to presidential candidate was an orchestrated effort by the Democrats. One hundred days is a nanosecond in American politics, and by waiting until there were only three months left until the election, they could slide her into the race with no time for voters to think about the candidate’s credentials. Harris has few credentials that prepare her for the Oval Office, but if they hide her, ala Joe Biden in 2020, she will emerge as the President-elect on November 6, and America won’t know what hit them.

Kamala is also misrepresenting the border crisis. I will stipulate that Harris owns every piece of criticism she receives about the destroyed southern border. With anywhere from 8-19 million illegals allowed into our country in the last three years, Biden and Harris have failed to support and secure America. She cannot say that it was all Joe’s fault and that she was innocent. But that is precisely what she is trying to do. After three years of being the designated Border Czar, Harris is trying to distance herself from the Biden policies.

Harris has the audacity to claim she will be tough on the border, and it was Trump who prevented the solution to the problem. Harris continues to show she does not understand the difference between legal immigration policy and a porous, unsecured border. The immigration reform bill that she refers to when criticizing Trump would have paved the way for 1.5-2 million illegals per year to enter America. That is not an immigration bill but a get-out-of-jail-free card. Why, with a secured border, should we allow for a provision to permit illegal entry by anyone? Trump and Vance cannot allow her to preach this line and pass the blame to Trump. This misrepresentation of the facts will need to be a focal attack line by Trump and Vance in their respective debates. The Trump team needs to focus every bit of its energy on obliterating the Democrat policies on immigration, border, and the economy.

Harris is leaning on the same stump speech she reads from a teleprompter. Trump has to draw her out of her comfort zone and into impromptu communication, where she has proven to be a disaster. Her thinking and logic are not up to where they must be at this level, and she will be as incoherent as Biden at his best.

Kamala Harris is out of her league. She cannot run on her time with Biden, defend her poor choice for a running mate, and does not have the time to rebrand herself. Trump has to stay away from personal attacks that turn off even his followers and stick to the message. America was better off under him than Bide/Harris, and four more years of Harris may destroy America.

Content syndicated from Conservative View from New Hampshire with permission

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Ray Cardello

As a lifelong Conservative and resident of New Hampshire, Ray Cardello is positioned to speak with common sense about the happenings of the nation and the region. Conservative View from New Hampshire is Ray’s second blog and podcast effort in 20 years. He has published over 1,000 articles since January 2021, is syndicated on 15 websites, and is published on over 65 sites. Ray is passionate about his writing and sees the Internet as the only way for Conservatives to compete with the mainstream media. Ray claims there will be much to discuss as we move forward and his blog will not focus strictly on Washington but will also delve into State and Local issues as well. There is so much going on and so little factual sources of information to rely on.

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