Donald Trump Escapes Democrat Traps Like A Magician. I Love This Guy.
He was impeached twice on trumped-up charges and skated each time.
He was investigated by a special counsel and came out clean.
He’s been indicted by half of the left-wing DAs in the nation and is still walking free.
The Democrats tried to keep him off the ballots in left-wing states, but he’s still running.
He’s been lied about by every speaker at the Democrat National Conference, yet RFK suspends his own candidacy and endorses Trump.
He’s been shot in the head while campaigning and remains more heavily scheduled with appearances than before the shooting.
He’s had Kamala steal his campaign promises, but sticks to his guns.
He’s a billionaire who could be living like a king, surrounded by luxury and not having to fear a sniper’s bullet or the next criminal indictment from the Biden/Harris administration, but is instead taking constant and unrelenting abuse to serve the future of American citizens.
All of the lies about Trump, and anyone belonging to MAGA, are ignored, and his popularity grows.
The entire Biden/Harris DOJ repeatedly tried to imprison him, if not outright kill him, and he simply gives them the figurative finger and moves on with his quest for a second term in the Oval Office.
The weight of the crooked Biden/Harris government and the Department of Justice is endeavoring to stop Trump any way they possibly can, and he just surges ahead.
The wonderous thing about Donald Trump is that he’s not a traditional politician who just wants to be on camera and make a name for himself. He’s someone who has made his own money and is already widely known, and his only desire is to correct the crooked things that government in general, and the Biden/Harris administration in particular, are doing to cause personal and financial injury to America. Trump believes that the federal government should allow American citizens to live and achieve freely again, without having to worry about big government bankrupting them for disagreeing with the radical, leftist policies of the Biden/Harris cohort, or destroying their livelihood, or imprisoning them for some odd-ball offense the government has thought up, like forcing everyone to buy an electric vehicle.
Trump has become a kind of legend in his efforts to oppose a corrupt government that will tell any lie, present false evidence, and to even arrange his death, in order to get him to shut up and let them rule the nation without opposition.
We must all support Trump for taking this dangerous turn in his life.
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