The CDN Blog

Conservative Daily News May Soon Shut Down – For Good

I would love to sugarcoat it like other business leaders and talk about restructuring or some other such stuff, but the truth is that due to progressive activist censorship efforts, advertisers want nothing to do with conservative sites. That has reduced revenue at to levels I can no longer self-fund the same way I have for the last several years.

I’m giving it until the end of September to either pull in enough from advertising or user support so that my personal cash input (from my day job) is sustainable. In other words, I am not asking you to fund the site, just help me with the costs.

I hope you realize that I’m not expecting it to return to profitability any time soon, I just need to reduce how much I am personally putting in to keep it going. I’m hoping that readers think it is worth spending $2 or more per month to promote independent cartoonists, opinion writers, columnists, and news content on the site.

If not, I have enjoyed these 16 years with you all and it will be sad to turn off the lights and walk away. Truly sad.

I’m not begging, I’m just letting you know that I can no longer afford to pay for the servers and content alone. Without help, I’ll have to let my labor of love … die.

If you’d like to help, here’s where-> SUBSCRIBE

Best Regards,
Rich Mitchell, CDN Founder and Editor-in-Chief

P.S. I am not and will not offer CDN for sale. It is worth a decent sum due to viewership, age, and past revenue, but they’d turn it into a crappy ad-ruined thing with no real content and I’d rather let it die than let it turn into that. Or, they’d just do to it what they did to Drudge.

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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and
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