The CDN Blog

A Sincere Thank You – We’re Still Alive!

I do not have the words to express to you, our supporters, how grateful I am that you appreciate what we do at CDN. In less than 24 hours after laying out the realities of our situation due to declining advertising revenue, you all pitched in and I can now say – we will be able to keep the lights on at least through the end of October!


Whether a single donation or recurring, it’s all going to fund the website and the content we purchase. If fundraising continues to do well, I’ll put up a poll and ask you whether you’d like the donations to go to reducing – and eventually eliminating – advertising on the site – OR – to funding more content from nationally syndicated columnists, journalists, and editorial cartoonists.

Personally, I would vote for “Both”, but if forced to prioritize, (I don’t think our ad placements are overly ridiculous – could be wrong) I would vote for more content. But, you folks will surely let me know once I get the poll up.

Either way, as a thank you for what you all did today, I am removing all Google ads from the site for a week. If the support continues, I’ll just keep them off until I have no choice. I’d really rather not make any money for Scroogle anyway.

Today you showed me that what we do here matters and for that I am thankful.

With your help and the grace of God, we will get through this and then turn the focus to building this to be what we all want it to be.

God, Family, and Country.

My Sincerest Thanks,
Rich Mitchell, CDN Founder and Editor-in-Chief

p.s. If you missed the original post I wrote when I thought I was going to shut everything down due to leftist censors pushing advertisers away from conservative media, here it is -> Conservative Daily News May Soon Shut Down – For Good

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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and
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