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Trump Unveils Tribute For Former Fire Chief Killed During Rally Attack

GOP presidential candidate and former President Donald Trump unveiled Thursday evening on the Republican National Convention’s (RNC) stage a memorial for former fire chief Corey Comperatore who was fatally shot at his rally last weekend.

As Trump walked out on the stage for the final night of the RNC in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, the former president could be seen joined by a memorial to Comperatore. The former president could be seen walking to the opposite side of the stage to salute the crowd, as officials wheeled out Comperatore’s firefighter jacket and helmet.


Trump began his speech by discussing the events that unfolded during the rally, calling out Comperatore as a “fine man” as he had died protecting his family, and giving a moment of silence to remember him. The former president additionally announced a friend of his was donating $1 million in support of the former fire chief and his family that was left behind.

Comperatore was killed on Saturday at Trump’s Pennsylvania rally by 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks, who was able to shoot multiple rounds into the crowd and at the former president.

During the attack, the former fire chief had lunged over his daughters, who were in attendance with him, ultimately saving their lives from the bullets.

Trump additionally highlighted the two other crowd members, 57-year-old David Dutch and 74-year-old James Copenhaver, who were both injured during the attack and are reported to be in stable condition.

Earlier this week Comperatore’s wife, Helen, posted on social media, confirming Trump had called her to share his condolences. Helen notably snubbed a call from President Joe Biden, as she told the New York Post that her “husband was a devout Republican and he would not have wanted me to talk to him.”

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