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The Murderous Leftist Psychosis

Fuck it, fuck the dude, the firefighter guy, fuck Trump, fuck the people that support Trump.   I just want you to know, in case one of you were in the crowd and you’re a conservative fan of mine and you end up getting blown away or whatever the fuck, I’m making fun of you on Twitter, I am (all while laughing).

Destiny (Steven Kenneth Bonnell II), live-streamer political commentator, self-identified “social democrat,” Piers Morgan Uncensored soon after Trump assassination attempt.

As soon as Trump was elected, unhinged rage became the norm as with Kathy Griffin featuring herself holding the bloody severed head of Trump.

GWU Law Professor Jonathan Turley, July 14, 2024

Party That Called Trump ‘Hitler’ For 8 Years Shocked as Someone Tries to Assassinate Him

Babylon Bee Headline, July 13, 2024

It will almost always be more effective to use a single … compelling … argument … than [the] “shotgun” approach [of] multiple weaker arguments

Harvard Guide to Writing a Philosophy Paper

One might have thought that after the nearly successful assassination attempt against Donald Trump in Butler, the members of the Left that have slandered Trump for 8 years with demonstrably false smears, would have done some soul-searching and recognized the massive damage that the assassination of a presidential candidate would do to the country.  There was a time when that was true.  Both Democrats and Republicans mourned the assassination of John Kennedy.  Unfortunately, something has changed in American society.   A third of Democrats surveyed in a snap poll soon after the Trump assassination attempt stated they wished it had been successful.  38% of voters in another poll said that Trump himself was responsible for the assassination attempt.  That’s right, its Trump’s fault someone tried to kill him.  “Destiny” does not merely laugh about killing Trump but about the father who was killed in Butler that day and about the very people he is talking to at the time on Piers’ show. 

The explanation of such attitudes is obvious.  Instead of disagreeing with Trump’s positions rationally, many in the Democrat News-media Collusion-team (hereafter the DNC) have smeared Trump with one hoax after another, starting with the Trump-Russia collusion hoax begun by the fake Russian dossier Hillary purchased to frame Trump before the 2016 election.  And Trump did not, as Joe Biden claimed as the reason he had to run against Trump in 2020, praise NAZI’s and White Supremacists at the Charlottesville protest against tearing down the Confederate statues.  It took Snopes 7 years but they finally managed to find someone who can read at the 9th grade level and verify that actually Trump explicitly condemned the White Supremacists and NAZI’s at the Charlottesville protest.

The media, including “social media”, is a main source of the violent rhetoric against Trump and his supporters.  Soon after the assassination attempt, a friend posted an article by “liberal” GWU  Law Professor Jonathan Turley that states that because of all this unhinged hateful rhetoric against Trump, the attempted assassination should not have been surprising. Turley: “The narrative that the threat of violence is coming primarily from the Right is demonstrably false but consistently echoed in the media.”  As any conservative who posts a rational article on social media knows, people immediately begin calling them names.  In response to Turley’s article, someone immediately replied, using the “shotgun” approach:

Dear Cult Puppet, … DJT has spewed violent, hateful rhetoric from the beginning … in 2015.  “I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose voters.”

… He said “when the looting starts, the shooting starts.”

He has called certain people & groups “vermin” and said that “immigrants are poisoning the blood of the United States.”

He has warned of a “bloodbath” if he fails to win in November.

When warned by the Secret Service on Jan 6, that some of his followers were carrying guns, he said “I don’t care because they aren’t here for me.”

Note that he begins by name-calling, not trying to find the truth (“Dear Cult Puppet”). In fact, all his claims are false or highly misleading.  Trump’s remark that he could shoot people and wouldn’t lose voters is only a euphemistic way of saying that his supporters are completely dedicated to him.  His remark that “when the looting starts, the shooting starts” is not a threat. It is a prediction, and soon after Trump said that, some looters pumped multiple bullets into an elderly black policeman, David Dorn, who was investigating a burglary, killing him as he squirmed on the ground. Trump’s remark about vermin and positioning the blood was not racist Hitlerian rhetoric but was explicitly about medical diseases coming across the open southern border, measlestuberculous, bubonic plague, etc.  Trump’s remark about a “bloodbath” if he is not elected was not about literal bloodshed but was explicitly about an economic bloodbath in the car industry.  Trump’s alleged remark about some of his followers carrying guns in Jan. 6th was made by Cassidy Hutchinson whose remarks about that day have been refuted by multiple people who witnessed the events. Anyone who wanted the truth about these events could easily have verified all this themselves. Instead, people blindly believe what they are told by a grossly partisan  news media.

Another great Facebook humanitarian, when asked to document cases when Trump advocated violence, replied, “He been advocating violence for years. Now it’s come back to bite him. Too bad it was just an ear.”  No need for surprise.  Such comments common there.

Similarly, a few years ago my wife and I were talking to two highly educated good friends, one with a Ph.D. and M.D. and the other with a Ph.D. in the hard sciences.  I pointed out to them that Trump never said he grabs women by the pussy.  The DNC made it up.  The male shouted “I saw the tape!”  When I told him that what Trump actually said was that “stars” grab women by the pussy, not that he does it, he paused and said. “Well, I know what he meant.”  His belief is unfalsifiable.  Actual evidence makes no difference.  It is noteworthy that when on another occasion, I told a brilliant lawyer friend that Trump never said that he grabs women by the pussy, she said exactly the same thing. “I saw the tape.” I told her, “Watch it again!” These are not bad people.  They have just succumbed to a pervasive media hate-campaign and can now, literally, not see what is right in front of them.  They have been conditioned to see Trump as evil and see him in the worst way possible.  Psychologists call it “framing”, conditioning people to see things in a certain way based on the way the information is “framed” for them.

It has now reached the point that “liberals” laugh and giggle, not just about murdering Trump but also about innocent people for the sin of attending a Trump rally.  These are no longer rare attitudes on the Left (Democrats).  It takes no intelligence whatsoever to see that such attitudes can have only one outcome:

“Hatred is blind; rage carries you away; and he who pours out vengeance runs the risk of tasting a bitter draught.

Alexandre Dumas

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Richard McDonough

Richard Michael McDonough, American philosophy educator. Achievements include production of original interpretation of Wittgenstein’s logical-metaphysical system, original application Kantian Copernican Revolution to philosophy of language; significant interdisciplinary work logic, linguistics, psychology & philosophy. Member Australasian Debating Federation (honorary life, adjudicator since 1991), Phi Kappa Phi.

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