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Hulk Hogan To Speak At RNC Before Trump Accepts Nomination

Professional wrestling icon Hulk Hogan will speak at the Republican National Convention Thursday evening, MSNBC reported.

The former World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) and World Championship Wrestling (WCW) star will be among those introducing former President Donald Trump on the last night of the convention, according to MSNBC. Trump, who has long-standing ties to WWE, including a 2007 appearance opposite Vince McMahon, will accept the Republican nomination to face President Joe Biden Thursday night.


A number of celebrities have appeared at the Republican convention, including influencer Amber Rose, who addressed the convention Monday. Other celebrities who are scheduled to speak or who have spoken at the convention include former Fox News host Tucker Carlson, who co-founded the Daily Caller and Daily Caller News Foundation, Ultimate Fighting Championship CEO Dana White, religious leader Franklin Graham, singer Lee Greenwood and reality TV personality Savannah Chrisley, according to CBS News.

“I’m no politician and I don’t wanna be, but I do care about the truth, and the truth is that the media has lied to us about Donald Trump,” Rose said during her speech. “I know this because for a long time, I believed those lies.”

Trump’s campaign did not immediately respond to a request for comment from the Daily Caller News Foundation.

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