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America In The Age Of Stupidity: There Is Only One Way I Would Agree With Reparations
America In The Age Of Stupidity: There Is Only One Way I Would Agree With Reparations
I never owned slaves, did you? I bet you didn’t. Why should we have to pay for something we had no part in?
Throughout history, we have gone through different ages, The Ice Age, The Gilded Age, and The Industrial Age. Now We Are Living In The Stupid Age, Where Reality, Truth, And Common Sense Don’t Exist.
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For those who really feel that they deserve Reparations, how about buying everything that can’t easily be shipped at (let’s say) 10% above market value and include the taxes they would pay not only on those payments but also the taxes they would have to pay to buy an exact equivalent.
Then they get to RENOUNCE their US Citizenship and we make arrangements and send them back to the African country (or other country of possible origin) of their choice!
>> Yes, a 1 way ticket!!! <<