TX AG Calls For Prosecution Over Drag Queen’s Sexually Explicit Performance In Front Of Child
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton called for prosecution over a sexually explicit drag performance in front of at least one young child in exclusive comments to the Daily Caller News Foundation.
A drag performer sang sexually explicit lyrics, simulated a sex act and flashed underwear in front of children at an “all ages” event Saturday in Plano, Texas. It’s the responsibility of district and county attorneys to prosecute the “inappropriate acts” on display at the drag show, according to Paxton, who called on the state’s legislature to add language to the penal code explicitly addressing this issue.
“This is grotesque, disturbing behavior. Under Texas law, local district and county attorneys are charged with taking up the mantle to protect Texas kids by prosecuting these types of totally inappropriate acts,” Paxton told the DCNF.
“What’s more, in 2023, the Texas Legislature should amend the Texas Penal Code to expressly prohibit this kind of grossly sexual conduct and empower my Office to prosecute when district and county attorneys refuse,” he said.
The event in question featured a drag performer singing “My p*ssy good, p*ssy sweet. P*ssy good enough to eat” and “F*ck me all night” in front of a young girl while flashing underwear at the audience and simulating a sex act. Adults in the crowd cheered and threw money at the performer while the child watched quietly.
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Why arrest just the degenerate sex worker (charges should include grooming, obscenity and mental/sexual abuse of a child)? … You should also arrest whichever slimy adult brought the child (children) to the event… and whoever let the child into the facility… and whoever promoted the ‘minors allowed when accompanied by an adult’ event. ALL of these “people” need to be removed from a normal society. They all need some serious mental help.
I can’t believe filth is now acceptable as long as it brings in the dollars and teaches kiddies about how filthy men look at them. Where is the outrage when the kids are mentally and emotionally molested by the filth that is illegal in all senses but now is okay to be seen in a public setting to make dollars while encouraging this warped behavior? Where are the responsible adults when you need some? Where are the parents who are supposed to protect their children from these sick perverted people? Where is the law???? All these places of ill repute need to be shut down and the owners jailed as pimps for the drag queens and for contributing to the delinquency of a minor. How sick our country and government have become.