Editorial Cartoons
Ooooh, THAT Laptop

Does the FBI have a renewed interest in Hunter Biden’s laptop now that it is VERY likely that Republicans will regain majorities in both houses of Congress? Umm, “you betcha’!”
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Cartoon by Gary Varvel, commentary by R. Mitchell, Editor-in-Chief
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They are only paying attention because the lie that the Hunter Biden laptop is “Russian disinformation” has been totally exposed. So Hunter may get a misdemeanor charge and probation for an illegal firearm. They ignore him flying around on Air Force II with his Dad making illegal and treasonous “pay for play” deals for tens of millions with hostile foreign powers. Garland and all the Democrats (and some Republicans) lecture us about the “rule of law”, but it’s become a disgusting and dangerous joke. This administration has weaponized all the three letter agencies (the FBI, the DOJ, the CIA, the IRS, and even the DOD) against their political opposition and all the mainstream and social media are complicit.
There are never any consequences for Democrats who break the law and that has been going on for years. Remember Lois Lerner? She targeted Republican groups when she was head of the IRS and is now retired comfortably on a full government pension. How about Eric Holder, who was held in contempt of Congress for the “Fast and Furious” debacle that got a border agent killed. No problem there. Same with Hillary Clinton, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, and Michael Sussman who colluded and lied to concoct the fake “dossier” to launch a Special Prosecutor investigation and then all the Democrats conspired again to launch two impeachment attempts to unseat a duly elected President. They locked up General Flynn when the FBI conspired to catch him lying, but James Clapper and John Brennon lied to Congress with no consequences, got their full retirements and now (like Strzok) have lucrative gigs on CNN.
The FBI may be corrupt beyond repair andI don’t know if there is a way back from these levels of deceit, conspiracy and subterfuge. Unless there is a Republican “Tsunami” and not just a “red wave” in November, I fear that our once proud Republic is doomed to collapse