Herschel Walker Responds to MSNBC Guest Who Called Him the GOP’s ‘Negro’
Herschel Walker, the Republican running against Democratic Sen. Raphael Warnock of Georgia, responded Monday to racially charged remarks made by a MSNBC guest over the weekend.
“A lot of people have been asking me to say something about the man on MSNBC that called me the N-word,” Walker said in a video posted on Twitter. “Here’s what I got to say about that. Shame on MSNBC and shame on him. I’m going to pray for both of them, because they need Jesus.”
“When I saw what he said, it reminded me of the differences between myself and my opponent,” Walker said. “Senator Warnock is a left-wing crazy that believes America is fundamentally a bad country full of racist people. They want to divide us, turn us against each other.”
Elie Mystal, the justice correspondent for The Nation, launched his racially charged attack on Walker Saturday.
“That’s what Republicans want from their negroes: to do what they’re told,” Mystal told MSNBC host Tiffany Cross. “And Walker presents exactly as a person who lacks independent thoughts, lacks an independent agenda, lacks an independent ability to grasp policies and he’s just going to go in there and vote like Mitch McConnell tells him to vote.”
Mystal followed up his comments with a tweet that labeled Walker a “token.”
Walker, who was endorsed by both former President Donald Trump and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, won the Republican primary in May.
“We have our problems, but we can solve them together,” Walker said. “You know, this is a good country full of good people. With God’s help, we’re gonna the bring people of Georgia back together. Let’s make this a great day. God bless.”
Walker and Mystal did not immediately respond to requests for comment from the Daily Caller News Foundation.
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