Dems’ Tax-And Spend Circus Has Reached A New Level Of Absurdity
The U.S. House of Representatives voted Friday to pass the fraudulently titled Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). The $739 billion tax-and-spending bacchanal includes $80 billion to swell the Internal Revenue Service’s (IRS) payroll from 93,654 to 180,506 – up 92.7%.
These 86,852 new IRS agents are a bit much, if Democrats want them to find billionaires, capsize them and shake them until the gold bars and stock certificates cascade from their pockets. Forbes counts 735 American billionaires. IRA would underwrite 118 IRS agents per billionaire.
Don’t be shocked if IRS audits aim lower — much lower — as they already do.
The Government Accountability Office (GAO) reported in May that in Tax Year 2019, IRS audited 196,717 returns from earners between $1 and $25,000; 72,669 between $25,000 and $50,000; and 32,285 between $50,000 and $75,000. IRS audited 379,357 returns from filers with incomes below $1 million.
IRS that year also audited 205 returns whose only gains were from the Earned Income Tax Credit. Thus, IRA would underwrite brand-new IRS agents – enough to populate Newport Beach, California – to audit poor, working class and middle-income taxpayers.
“I think they’re going after middle-class and small businesspeople because basically they think anybody who has pass-through income is a crook, and they aren’t paying their fair share,” Republican Sen. Charles Grassley told “Fox & Friends” on Thursday.
Republican Sen. Mike Crapo tried to fix this last Sunday. According to its official description, his amendment to IRA attempted “To prevent the use of additional Internal Revenue Service Funds from being used for audits of taxpayers with taxable incomes below $400,000 in order to protect low- and middle-income earning American taxpayers from an onslaught of audits from an army of new Internal Revenue Service auditors.”
Crapo’s measure died in a 50-50 tie, as every Republican voted yea, and every Democrat said nay. So much for the latter’s lies about defending the little guy.
The IRS’ career page describes the employees it seeks. The “major duties” of its Criminal Investigation Special Agents far exceed forensic accounting and cashflow analysis. They include: “Carry a firearm and be willing to use deadly force, if necessary” and “Be willing and able to participate in arrests, execution of search warrants, and other dangerous assignments.”
GAO’s snapshot of the IRS’ arsenal in December 2017 included 4,487 guns and 5,062,006 rounds of ammunition. IRS also purchased $700,000 of fresh ammo early this year.
Like atomic weapons, the IRS’ guns can accomplish plenty without going “Boom!” Deterrence can prevent hostile military attacks as well as tax avoidance.
As Robert M. Wood wrote in Forbes: “Some of the guns the IRS has are fully automatic machine guns. Compared to seeing gun-toting IRS agents at your door, a correspondence audit doesn’t sound too bad.”
Even worse, armed IRS agents lack basic gun control.
“An audit report from the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration covering 2009 to 2011 said that IRS Agents accidentally discharged their guns 11 times during that time,” Wood further explained. “The report says that IRS agents fired their guns accidentally more times than they did intentionally. Some of the misfires caused property damage or personal injury.”
Democrats are salivating over higher taxes, rampant audits and pistol-packing revenue officers.
Manhattan-based political commentator Deroy Murdock is a Fox News Contributor.
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Does anyone really believe that the “inflation reduction act” will reduce inflation with hundreds of billions more of spending, government regulation, and “Green New Deal” slush funds such as 47 billion for “environmental justice”. We have just watched all of Europe, after decades of shutting down their nuclear and coal fired plants, become slaves to Russian oil and gas. In fact, all of Europe is now funding Putin as we send endless billions to Ukraine. That’s absurd and it’s even more insane that we would want to go down the same “Green New Deal” rabbit hole after watching its massive failure in Germany and all of Europe.
Now they will double the size of the IRS, (for a mere 80 BILLION) adding 87,000 armed agents. Do you think they need to do this if there will be no more taxes on anybody but the 1.8% of the population making over $400,000? It’s another lie. Historically 50% of IRS audits are on those making $75,000 or less. Everyone will pay higher taxes to fund their endless money printing. Remember Lois Lerner who got caught targeting Conservative groups under Obama. No Consequences for her and she retired with a full government pension. Just like Hillary, Jim Comey, James Clapper ,John Brennan, Peter Strozk, Michael Sussman, and every other Democrat who lied and conspired for four years, two impeachments and a Special Prosecutor investigation to oust a duly elected President. I say they are the real “Seditionists”, not the Jan. 6 protestors who are being locked up for walking around the Capitol on Jan. 6..
Wake up America. Our Republic is on its last leg.