Fox News Contributor Lambastes Biden Over ‘Tall Tale After Tall Tale’
A Fox News contributor lambasted President Joe Biden over telling “tall tale after tall tale” on Fox News Tuesday night.
“I mean, this is a man who is profoundly below average in terms of a student and, by the way, was a serial plagiarist all the way back to law school, going through to the first time he ran for president, and then beyond that when he was a senator,” Joe Concha said during “Hannity.”
“He tells tall tale after tall tale, as if he is Brian Williams meets Jussie Smollett of politics, and he failed upwards through the Senate, to the vice presidency, and all the way to the presidency, and now he’s polling lower easily than any first-term president from Truman to Trump,” Concha continued.
Williams was fired as anchor of “NBC Nightly News” and relegated to a late-night show on MSNBC after an investigation determined he fabricated war stories. Williams left MSNBC in 2021.
Smollett claimed he was attacked by two men who used racial and homophobic slurs, but police later determined the incident was staged. A jury convicted Smollett on five felony counts in December 2021.
“If this president was truly in charge, at least one or two of those folks would be gone given their performance, right?” Concha asked after listing several high-ranking Biden administration officials.
The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment from the Daily Caller News Foundation.
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