Eco-Activists Terrorizing US Cities by Deflating SUV Tires; May Also Target EVs
A group of British eco-activists are deflating SUV vehicle tires in major American cities and are actively looking to expand their activities.
The climate activist group “Tyre Extinguishers” are now targeting SUV vehicle tires in major American cities in an effort to fight climate change. In the previous month, they deflated 40 tires in New York City’s Upper East Side, 20 in Philadelphia, 20 in Chicago and 12 in San Francisco as they step up operations in America, according to their website.
The Tyre Extinguishers asserted late Wednesday that they had “more planned” after they bragged about disabling more than 5,000 SUVs in at least eight countries, including the U.S., the United Kingdom and Germany. The activists state that their objective is to halt climate change by making it impossible for individuals to drive large, polluting SUV vehicles that belong to the privileged in urban areas.
On Twitter, the group expressed its desire to disable and vandalize SUV vehicles in Los Angeles.
“Because governments and politicians have failed to protect us from this danger, we must protect ourselves,” the group asserts on their website.
20 SUVs disarmed in Lincoln Park, Chicago, in early hours of 3rd July, after actions this week in New York, NY and Scranton, PA.
Where’s next? Take action in your area:
— The Tyre Extinguishers (@T_Extinguishers) July 3, 2022
The Tyre Extinguishers website also gives activists step-by-step tutorials on how to spot SUVs and deflate tires.
Once the activists deflate an SUV tire they put a leaflet on the car’s windshield that reads: “We have deflated one or more of your tyres. You’ll be angry, but don’t take it personally. It’s not you, it’s your car.”
Keying SUVs is also encouraged by the activists, although deflating tires is their preferred method of attack.
The group argues that electric vehicles are also fair game for deflation in their tutorials because they still cause pollution and congestion. They further state that there are not enough rare earth metals to replace everyone’s car and the mining of the metals causes suffering.
“We cannot electrify our way out of the climate crisis,” the group says on their website.
The Tyre Extinguishers did not immediately respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment.
The New York, Chicago and Philadelphia police departments also did not immediately respond to the DCNF’s request for comment
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“The Tyre Extinguishers website also gives activists step-by-step tutorials on how to spot SUVs and deflate tires.”
If you have to be instructed step by step on how to spot a SUV, and let air out of the tires you may be an idiot.