Chinese Internet Users Mock Japan And Celebrate Abe’s Assassination
Users on Chinese social media sites celebrated the fatal shooting of former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe Friday, according to multiple reports.
A Weibo post saying “Let the celebration begin!” after Abe’s death received over 150,000 likes in a half hour, according to Bloomberg News, while another post that said that Abe could atone for Japan’s 1937 invasion of China by dying got over 210,000 likes.
A 41-year-old man allegedly used a homemade gun to shoot the former prime minister twice as Abe gave a campaign speech in Nara.
4. from Weibo
“i am waiting for Abe‘s death”
“who is the attacker?i want to donate money”
“I have to say,its a great news”— 巴丢草 Badiucao (@badiucao) July 8, 2022
Other users on Weibo and WeChat sites offered to donate money to the shooter, congratulated the shooter and said it was “party time.” Celebration of the assassination also took place on Twitter, where multiple posters called for opening champagne.
6.from WeChat
“Party Time”
“hope the men has trouble,hope the gun is fine”
“fuck i am so happy”— 巴丢草 Badiucao (@badiucao) July 8, 2022
Numerous memes invoking former President John F. Kennedy, who was assassinated in 1963, appeared on Chinese social media sites after Abe’s death, Newsweek reported.
12. From Twitter
Champagne for Abe‘s death from Chinese user
— 巴丢草 Badiucao (@badiucao) July 8, 2022
Abe was rushed to a hospital where he died from his wounds. He resigned as prime minister in 2020 due to a battle with ulcerative colitis.
The Chinese Embassy in Washington, D.C., did not immediately respond to a request for comment from the Daily Caller News Foundation.
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