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Democrats Cut ‘Free’ Community College, Tax Credits, and More From Biden Bill

President Biden’s multi-trillion dollar, taxpayer-funded spending spree is getting sliced up by members of his own party.

President Joe Biden told progressive lawmakers Tuesday that the final social spending bill is expected to drop tuition-free community college and curtail the child tax credit program, two sources familiar with the meeting said.


Democrats had hoped to make the tax credit permanent, but, according to the NBC News report, they are being told to settle for a single-year extension.

The concessions are Biden’s alone as hardline progressives have not signaled any willingness to accept the cutbacks.

Oh, but wait … there’s more:

Another big priority — a sweeping climate measure known as the Clean Energy Performance Program  is also likely to be curtailed in the spending bill. However, congressional sources said Tuesday that while the climate proposals will be scaled back, there will be a focus on clean renewable energy. Two sources familiar with the negotiations also said lawmakers are considering shortening paid leave in the bill, potentially from 12 weeks to four.


So far, the extreme left of the Democrat party has lost a permanent child tax credit, taxpayer-funded community college, 12-week paid family leave, and climate action. And that’s only what has seeped out of the confidential meetings. As no deal has been struck, there is likely much more cutting to happen and it’s hard to believe that extremists in the Democrat party will accept anything less than everything as 2022 is set to relieve them of their bicameral majorities.

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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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One Comment

  1. Just look at that face and tell me she’s sane. Unfortunately, THE Four Wh0res of the Apocalypse ARE the democrat party.

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