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Americans are being goaded into destroying their own country


[[File:Lucretia committing suicide.png|Lucretia_committing_suicide]]

Remember the case of Michelle Carter which made national news in 2014?  She was the teen who continually urged Conrad Roy, 18, to commit suicide until he finally did.

Most of her communications with Roy were via text and telephone, so the story became known as the “Suicide Texting” case.

At one point, she told him that he wasn’t “man enough” to do it. She then listened on the phone as he took his last breath.

People across the country argued about whether and/or how much Carter was culpable in Roy’s death. Can someone “make” someone else commit suicide?

They were also shocked at the heartlessness of Carter. Others wondered how Roy or anyone else could heed such bullying and do as he was told.

I was recently reminded of this case while guesting on a radio show in which the host and I wondered how so many people could still listen and obey those who clearly hate America and who have been caught in one lie after another. Their every policy and prescription is systematically dismantling our country and leading it to destruction. They aren’t trying to hide it anymore.

Politicians and unelected bureaucrats have become so brazen in their demands that they can’t possibly claim that they do good for anyone-especially those they profess to care most about.

Why are so many Americans bowing to this death cult that wants them to destroy themselves and their own country?  Is it ignorance of the history of authoritarianism and how it has always led to misery, poverty, tyranny, death and destruction for millions?

Whether it’s masks, lockdowns, or vaccines, it matters little what the subject is. Conditioning the public to comply with the use of force is the true motive and remains the necessary ingredient for their grandiose “Reset” to succeed.

What we are witnessing is precisely the kind of tyranny our Founders feared and which led them to declare our independence, create our Constitution and establish our Bill of Rights. These United States were founded on the recognition of Individual Liberty and free will. That’s what so many Americans have given their lives to protect. They did that for us and for the generations that will follow.  If we lose this country to totalitarianism, who will be culpable?  The brainwashers or the brainwashed?

There are a growing number of great stories of civil disobedience and non-violent resistance but too many people are still listening to the Michelle Carters in our midst and they are sleepwalking their way into tyranny for all of us. Our Liberty depends on waking them up.  No wonder the Left wants to shut us up so badly.

If the go-along-to-get-along types fear being looked at with disdain because they refuse to wear a mask what will they do when they are bullied into putting a foreign substance into their bodies? What if they’re threatened with their jobs, their right to travel freely, or buy food? Will they stand up then or fold more quickly than ever? The price of Liberty will become ever higher and the punishment more severe.

The prosecution in the suicide texting case said that Conrad Roy was vulnerable and depressed and that’s why he succumbed so easily to Carter’s taunts and intimidation. If that’s true, how vulnerable and depressed are we?

It should be clearer why the same Leftist socialists and communists were so relentless in fomenting hatred for Donald Trump. It was about ideology all along. He set out to make America proud of herself again and to remind us of what made America great in the first place. Had he bowed to the Leftist death cult and the deeply corrupt Deep State, they would have celebrated his tweets, his “style” and his hair.

In just six short years, it’s easier today to see how sick and twisted people could persuade so many citizens to hate themselves and to believe their country is evil.

Can you imagine Americans in the ’50s, ’60s, or even the ’70s tolerating lockdowns, mask mandates, and the prospect of “vaccine passports?”  This current crop of dictators would be laughed off the public stage, along with the notion that it’s impossible to tell a baby’s gender at birth, or that there are 57 genders.

If only Conrad would have told Michelle Carter to go pound sand. If only he could have been strong enough to see that she was the sick one who needed the most help.

We must tell those who are trying relentlessly to goad us into killing ourselves that they are the sick ones with an even sicker need to control others. They are the racists who accuse us of racism. They are the last people on earth who should demand that we obey them “or else.”

It’s high time that we told these people, all of them, to go pound sand.

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Karen Kataline

Karen Kataline is a commentator, columnist & talk show host. She holds a Master’s Degree from Columbia University and is a frequent guest host on AM Talk Radio. She has an active blog and her Op Eds can be seen online at Fox News, Investor’s Business Daily, Western Journal, Town Hall, The Daily Caller, FrontPage Mag, and The American Thinker.

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  1. Guess who is pushing for the mRNA Vaccinations and Passports ??… Why it’s none other than de-population Microsoft’s Bill Gates and Mayo Clinic, ORACLE and a few other Liberal king pins. They are also Pro illegal immigration, anti-gun, pro abortion, pro Biden. I think we have a pattern here folks.

  2. Friend Goerge, you have just emitted a Genuine Conspiracy Theory. It patterns out precisely. It is indeed quite accurate. 🙂

    We’re runnin’ outta’ Bubble Gum all up and down the line here… Most of the boys’ve already got their boot-tips polished to a fine arse-kickin’ fare-thee-well.

    And here cometh the Moment… Whites of their eyes… And that is all. 0{;-)o[

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