Female Athlete Speaks Out After Biological Male Storms Through Red Bull Competition
Skateboarder Taylor Silverman spoke out about transgender participants in women’s sports Tuesday after losing a competition and prize money to a man who identified as transgender.
Silverman has competed against transgender individuals in three different contests and placed second in two of them, including the recent Red Bull contest series, she said in an Instagram post. She said she was tired of keeping quiet after she and other women lost out on prize money and recognition that should have been theirs.
“I deserved to place first, be acknowledged for my win, and get paid,” she wrote. “I reached out to Redbull and was ignored. I am sick of being bullied into silence.”
“I have been in three different contests with trans women, two of which I placed second. At the last contest series I did for Redbull, I placed second. The trans competitor who won took $1000 in qualifiers, $3000 in finals, and $1000 in best trick,” she said. “This totaled $5000 in prize money meant for female athletes.”
Silverman also shared screenshots of an email she sent to Red Bull expressing her concerns and said the company had not responded to her complaint.
“A biological man with a clear advantage won the women’s division, best trick, and also won multiple qualifiers. This took away the opportunity that was meant for women to place and earn money. What happened was unfair and at the time I was too uncomfortable to speak up,” she wrote in the email.
Silverman and Red Bull did not respond to The Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment.
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If women just had the self-identified cajones to unite and REFUSE to compete against men, all of this bulls**t would fade away!