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Turn Off the Fauci!

Turn off the Fauci!

“The history of this when we look back will be wrong prediction after wrong prediction after wrong prediction… As much as I respect you, Dr. Fauci, I don’t think you’re the end-all, I don’t think you’re the one person that gets to make a decision.” – Sen. Rand Paul

This is what Senator Rand Paul told Dr. Fauci, who seems to be in control of the nation when it comes to the coronavirus. When Fauci talked about extending the lockdown, the stock market promptly tanked.

Fauci has been wrong many times in the past. He was wrong about AIDS and now wrong about Covid 19. Three years ago he said there would be ‘no doubt’ that Trump would face a ‘surprise’ pandemic. Obviously Fauci was not surprised since he and Gates were anticipating the outbreak all along.

Their end game? Everyone on the face of the Earth gets a forced vaccination of unspeakable foulness.

Fauci represents everything wrong with science. Scientists can be bought out, threatened and cajoled just like anyone other human being. Money and power have corrupted science. Medicine has been politicized and Fauci is political functionary backed by the Deep State and Bill Gates. It saddens me to see the diminutive man (both in height and in spirit) stand next to President Trump.

Unlike Rand, I do not respect Dr. Fauci. His admonition of an indefinite lockdown will bring unmitigated disaster to the country. That’s what he wants. He wants us all to beg for Gates’ vaccine.

It’s time to fire Fauci, or at least stop paying attention to him.

—Ben Garrison


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One Comment

  1. While it’s true that Fauci has dumped mud in our pond….let’s remember…..inspite of being known as an Obama man, Our duly elected President found him qualified to take part with a team to study the COVID. He has numerous times confused the hell out of me, but also said “The President doesn’t always take my advise” and…..he became the media darling on one show after the other….and WE bought it, hanging to every word…
    YES,,,I also found information on his “possible” ties, but he sure didn’t have 3.7 mil of his own money to pay anyone….”follow the money”

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