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18 DIY Halloween Costume Ideas That Are Cheap and Easy
Do you want to dress up for Halloween, but don’t want to spend a lot of money on a costume? Check out these 18 DIY Halloween costume ideas that are both cheap and easy to make!
- A classic ghost costume is always a good choice – and it’s easy to make, too! Just grab an old white sheet and cut some eyeholes in it. Done!
- Love Harry Potter? Dress up as your favorite character with this easy Hermione Granger costume. All you need is a black top, skirt, and sweater – plus some fake glasses.
- For a unique take on the traditional witch costume, try this “good” witch look. You’ll need a purple dress, black leggings, and some sparkly accessories.
- Going as a group this Halloween? Make things easy with these coordinated costumes. Each person can dress up as a different color of crayon.
- Can’t decide what to be? Go as a jack-o-lantern! This costume is easy to make with some orange felt and a black Sharpie.
- Transform yourself into a work of art this Halloween with this easy DIY costume. All you need is a white t-shirt and some black paint.
- For a cute and easy couples costume, try dressing up as salt and pepper shakers. You’ll just need two white shirts and some black paper or fabric to make the “S” and “P” letters.
- This clever costume idea is perfect for anyone who loves both coffee and cats. You’ll just need a black shirt and some felt to make the cat ears and tail.
- If you’re looking for a last-minute costume, this one is perfect. Just grab a white sheet and cut some eyeholes in it to make a ghost costume.
- Going as a group? Make things easy with these coordinated costumes. Each person can dress up as a different color of crayon.
- Leverage your makeup skills! Turn yourself into a skeleton or you can try a zombie look. There are make-up tutorials all over the internet so you can find one that fits your style.
- A lot of people are doing movie or TV show characters these days. If you want to do something similar but don’t want to put in the effort, go as a character from The Nightmare Before Christmas. You can find some pretty cheap and easy costumes online.
- Accessorize! You can put on a witch hat, carry a broom, or wear all black and call yourself goth. If you’re too lazy, you can just wear Halloween rings or necklaces as an easy way to participate.
- You can make a cape out of an old shirt if you want to be a superhero or vampire. Just cut a hole for your head and decorate it however you want!
- If you have long hair, you can be Medusa by adding green food coloring. Or, you could curl it and be Marilyn Monroe.
- Get a cheap white shirt and some red paint to make ketchup or a bloodstained shirt. You can also add fake blood to the shirt for extra effect.
- For an easy animal costume, you can put on a pair of cat ears or draw some on with makeup. If you want to be a little more creative, you can make a tail out of an old sock.
- If you want to be something scary, put on some old clothes and add fake blood or wounds with makeup. You can also carry around a prop knife or axe to complete the look.
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