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Teachers Union President Makes Second Incorrect Ukraine Post In A Week


The president of one of the largest teachers unions in America made a second social media faux pas in attempted support of Ukraine less than 24 hours after posting an image with an upside down version of the country’s flag.

American Federation of Teachers (AFT) President Randi Weingarten misspelled “Ukraine” in a tweet Wednesday. “We #StandWithUkriane,” her since-deleted tweet read.

On Tuesday, Weingarten and AFT Executive Vice President Evelyn DeJesus posted an image with an upside down Ukrainian flag poster.

“AFT President [Randi Weingarten] and [AFT Executive Vice President Evelyn DeJesus] stand with #Ukraine,” the AFT tweeted Tuesday, including a photo of the two holding a poster expressing support for Ukraine, with the blue and yellow colors of the flag flipped.

The AFT is an affiliate of the AFL-CIO, which tweeted a picture of its executive council members posing with the same poster and incorrect color orientation for another #StandWithUkraine post, according to Republican communications official Matt Whitlock.

Hours later, the AFL-CIO posted a new image showing what appeared to be digitally altered posters showing the proper color orientation. Neither post remains available on the AFL-CIO’s Twitter account.

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