Editorial Cartoons
History Repeats
Editorial cartoon by Michael Ramirez. Commentary by R. Mitchell, Editor-in-chief.
See more Ramirez (@Ramireztoons) HERE.
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a fallacious, farcical comparison based solely on the most liberal leftist media hype and propaganda. And that, by twisting the truth 180 degrees attempting to cast Zelenscum’s nazi character and atrocities against his own people upon the one man willing to actually stand up, not stand by, as extremist communist Ukrainian nazi government and militias murder innocent Ukrainians.
get real clown! you and your propagandist buddies in the leftist media are the ones facilitating the senseless slaughter of innocent civilians. you are a nazi murderer who does exactly what hitler did, which is to blame your victims for all the evil you do, then Gaslight, cavil, carp, quibble, incite, character assassinate, sophistrize, and use every hateful and ugly means to cause chaos to cover for your efforts to destroy civilization. Why are you even allowed on can? Nazi filth!