Biden Says He’s About Helping Working People at House Democrat Event
President Biden delivered a speech at the House Democratic Caucus Issues Conference on Friday.
The president spoke for about 36 minutes during which he brought up white supremacy, Charlottesville, and reminisced about his first time running for Congress and wanting to help working people which is is direct contradiction to his energy and foreign policy debacles that have working families struggling to keep up with food and gas costs.
There was a generous amount of self-back-patting on the pandemic, and jobs he believes he created. In fact, the economy still has fewer employed persons than before the pandemic. The jobs numbers he and the Democrats are taking credit for are simply those that have come back after the lockdowns were finally lifted.
Biden concluded by making the illogical argument that increased government spending would not be inflationary although Americans are struggling through sky high prices due exactly to massive government spending.
There were a few unconfortable ‘too close to the mic’ and ‘angry yelling’ moments, but his most uplifting statement came when he said that if Democrats lose majorities in the House and Senate, all he’ll have left “is a veto pen.” Here’s hoping.
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His lips are moving. That means he’s lying again. 2 million people infiltrating our borders illegally, Empty store shelves 8% and higher inflation, elevated fuel prices and the gift that keeps on giving – Covid – with absolutely no accountability for China. Bought and paid for Beijing Joe bent for China. Joe the ho.
Poor ol’ joe will only have his veto pen if the Dums don’t keep the House or the Senate in the midterms. Oh, happy days. Hoping ol’ joe won’t have any ink in any of his pens by then. Give him some crayons and let him hide behind the couch and draw pictures on the wall, that’s way better than the harm he does with his pens, especially his EO pens. He has been vetoing the American way of life since day one and it’s about time he loses all of his beloved pens. Enough is enough.