The Next Few Years May Be Hard for Conservatives
The next few years will be hard as pointed out by some of the responses (comments) to Parker Beauregard’s article “The Declining Prospects Of A Donald Trump Presidency.” There is a battle brewing between “only Trump” and “not Trump” segments of American right-of-center politics.
These two groups are much more fluid than the “never Trump” bunch with Mitt Romney, Liz Cheney, Adam Kinsinger et al at the front. Family, friends, and acquaintances have all shared that they go between hoping Trump runs and hoping he instead backs someone like DeSantis. Personally, I wouldn’t make a decision this far out from an election and haven’t. I’m doing a lot of listening and watching. Heck, no one has even announced yet.
Parker’s article brings forward that there are those who appreciate what Trump did and firmly believe that he was the right man at the right time, but they are now looking for something else. That’s their right, it is their vote.
As the editor-in-chief of a conservative outlet, I think it important to share views that I agree with and disagree with. Echo chambers are for the left and that intentional ignorance leaves them weaker.
To strong-headedly walk forward believing that the right must all be of one mind on a candidate rails against the “rugged individualism” that is a central characteristic of freedom-loving conservatives. To think that there aren’t those who want Trump to be a kingmaker instead of king this time around would require you to plug your ears and loudly proclaim “la la la la la la la” in any discussion where 2024 comes up. There are a lot of people on both sides of that coin, some that don’t care if Trump runs or not, and even some who haven’t started contemplating November 2024 at that level just yet. They just want Biden gone.
So until the primaries have selected a nominee, conservatives have a contentious few years as they self-identify as “pro-Trump”, “anti-trump”, “pro-someone else”, or undecided. I hope to hear them all out before I make my own decision.
The more important choice at this juncture is to appreciate the diversity of thought on the right. The freedom to say what you think without immediate cancelation. Sure, disagreement is expected and actually desired so that everyone entertaining any or all of the 2024 election positions can intelligently make a choice.
So I will continue to present articles you may find contentious, some I may purposefully publish precisely because they are contentious and thereby stimulate thought, debate, and understanding – hopefully in that order. But if you are looking to read only that with which you agree, CDN may not be your best bet.
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