Wife Comes Out As Gay After 6 Years Of Marriage, Says Her Husband Helps Her Pick Up Chicks
A woman in North Carolina told her husband she was gay after six years of marriage but said they would remain a couple and will help each other pick up chicks, the New York Post reported.
Nicolette Popa, 26, told her husband Ryan Popa, 27, that she knew she was a lesbian but kept her sexual preference a secret until 2020, the NYP reported. After hearing the news, the couple decided to stay together for the sake of their children.
“We’re still married and we still live together in our house with our kids,” Nicolette told South West News Service, the NYP reported. “For right now, what we do works. We’re trying to figure out our careers and trying to make sure that our kids have the best outcome.”
“It’s about making sure the kids are happy, making sure they know they’re loved and for them to have both parents around as much as possible,” Nicolette said, the NYP reported. “Me and Ryan have maintained this friendship; he’ll always be my best friend.”
Nicolette uses TikTok to document the couple’s unique relationship where she said in one post that she and her husband “pick up women together.” Another TikTok post shows Nicolette saying she and Ryan have “the same taste in women.”
Ryan said he was happy with the situation and wasn’t surprised that his wife was a lesbian, the NYP reported.
“It wasn’t a shock when Nicolette came out. I started to have suspicions but I wasn’t going to ask — I was going to wait for her to tell me herself,” Ryan told South West News Service, according to the NYP.
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