“What Jackass Thought This Was a Good Idea?” A Response to the DCCC
The Democratic Congressional Commission for Compliance … or whatever the heck that acronym stands for thought it would be a great idea to publicize a chart showing that President Biden and his administration had managed to lower gas prices by two .. whole .. cents over the last two weeks. For reference, here’s that crappy chart:
Yeah, the mechanism of the Democratic Party responsible for getting Democrats elected, or re-elected to Congress thinks reducing gas prices by two cents, after refineries have gone to cheaper winter mixes… is a major win.
While I could go full-on snark, enjoy watching “The Five” lambaste this tragic political move. It’s worth it.
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From a peak to a valley over two cents. Demwit liars think we are as stupid as they look. This guy is like one of his own dirty diapers – he needs to be changed. Notice how all the Lefties who moaned about Trump ad infinitum have suddenly gone mute? Demwits.
I’ve been keeping a chart. On the left side I have:
1. Saved 16 cents on
July 4th celebration
2. Gas price down 2
On the right side I have:
Well, let’s just say 17 pages of malfeasance, mayhem, riots, looting, mandates, corruption, perversion, flatulence, Depends accidents, racism, marxism, socialism, anarchy, abandonment, embarrassment, collusion, dementia, elder abuse, self-enrichment, treason as well as lies every friggin day