Elizabeth Warren Comes Out In Support Of Supreme Court Changes
Massachusetts Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren called for the expansion of the Supreme Court in an article published Wednesday.
“I don’t come to this conclusion lightly or because I disagree with a particular decision,” Warren said in the piece titled “Expand the Supreme Court.” “I come to this conclusion because I believe the current court threatens the democratic foundations of our nation,” Warren wrote.
Warren argued that “Republican court-packing” diminished the validity of Supreme Court decisions, citing cases such as Citizens United v. FEC and Brnovich v. Democratic National Committee to justify her stance. Warren wrote that the 6-3 Republican majority will “threaten basic liberties for decades to come.”
Warren also accused Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and former President Donald Trump of taking advantage of “two stolen seats to pack the court,” referring to the appointments of Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett. Warren concluded by stating that a “rebalancing” of the Supreme Court is necessary for “advancing the equal administration of justice.”
Warren’s piece followed the Supreme Court’s decision Friday to allow the Texas Heartbeat Act to stay in effect while leaving room for abortion providers to sue the state.
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It’s didficult to respond to some as clearly unhinged as Sen Warren. She has her nose in everything usually on the wrong side of the issue. She should have quit when the Pocahantis thing didn’t work out!