For more than a half century, the post-1960s Democratic Party has employed a strategy of using Critical Theory and Identity Politics to foment an intense loathing of Republicans. The success of that strategy was illustrated by an angry liberal voter in the lead-up to the 2020 elections. With white hot hatred oozing from every fiber of her being, the crazed woman in the video below bellowed into her cell phone, “Wake up, Republicans! They warned us about people like you!” Watch:
Developed in Germany during the first half of the last century by Marxist professors at the Frankfurt School, “critical theory” is a stratagem through which communist warriors subvert Western democracies by relentlessly challenging the traditional principles, values and institutions that enable those societies to function.
In its most basic form, critical theory calls for tearing away at the social fabric of free nations by constantly stigmatizing political opponents as selfish beneficiaries of an unjust and oppressive status quo. Under critical theory, opponents are targeted with never-ending criticism of virtually everything they do, and are assigned exclusive blame for every real or imagined societal wrong.
The goal of critical theory is to create a constant state political chaos, to make society so deeply divided, so roiled with bitter controversy that frightened, demoralized citizens will agree to support calls for an entirely new system that is “fair for all.”
To overthrow a capitalist society, The Communist Manifesto calls for inciting a titanic class struggle by pitting a victim class against an oppressor class. In the bloody Russian Revolution of 1917, the Bolsheviks rose to power by pitting the proletariat against the bourgeois. Over the last half-century, the post-1960s Democratic Party has refined the concept of Marxist/Leninist class struggle into a potent political weapon known as “identity politics.”
The term refers to politically subdividing the electorate into multiple factions (voting blocs), the members of which are indoctrinated to believe they’ve been singled out for oppression due to societal prejudice against the identity group to which they belong.
To wit: People of color are oppressed by “systemic racism,” women by sexists and misogamists, refugees and illegal immigrants by xenophobes, Muslims by Islamophobes; gays and lesbians by religious bigots, and so on. The self-serving narrative of identity politics is that tolerant, inclusive and morally virtuous Democrats will righteously defend the members (voters) of each identity group from constant outrages intentionally inflicted on them by intolerant and morally bereft Republicans.
Through the use of identity politics vilification campaigns, the Democratic Party has religiously adhered to Alinsky’s teach-them-to-hate strategy by indoctrinating its followers to not just disagree with Republicans, but to loathe them as well.
In a free society, advocates of communism can avoid having to sell their failed utopian ideas to a skeptical electorate, provided they can convince enough voters that their opponents are morally abhorrent people. Voters convinced of that will summarily reject 100% of what they hear from the other side. Lenin referred to such easily influenced voters as “useful idiots.” When asked how the Bolsheviks planned to keep the Russian people from listening to counterrevolutionaries, the Father of Soviet Communism said in so many words, “We must speak in a language that teaches our followers to direct hate and revulsion toward those who oppose us.”
Half-a-century later, a Marxist community organizer in Chicago named Saul Alinsky incorporated Lenin’s teach-them-to-hate strategy in his revolutionary book, “Rules for Radicals.” When “Rules” was published in 1971, the post-1960s Democratic Party adopted the book as its political bible. Believing that communism is so morally and intellectually superior that its advocates must prevail at all costs, Alinsky taught Democrats that the most effective way to defeat Republicans is to relentlessly accuse them of being racists.
Sensing that Alinsky’s tactics could be the means to fulfill her insatiable thirst for political power, a young Goldwater Republican became so infatuated with Alinsky that she switched her party affiliation. As the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee five decades later, Hillary Clinton would put Alinsky’s teach-them-to-hate strategy to practice by demonizing Trump supporters as morally reprehensible people: “You could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call a basket of deplorables. They’re racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic — you name it.”
Like Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama is one of Alinsky’s most loyal disciples. Having taught classes about the Marxist community organizer at the University of Chicago, Obama used Alinsky’s “ends justify the means” tactics in ascending to the most powerful job in the world.
Generating political hatred is how totalitarians can take over a free country without firing a shot. That’s what happened in 1930s Germany, where a cheerleading press helped Hitler convince the German people that Jews were the cause of the country’s problems. By the time decent Germans realized the horror of what the Nazis were doing, it was too late.
Political hatred is un-American in the most poisonous meaning of the term. When a political party self-righteously wraps itself in a delusional cloak of moral superiority, there’s not much it won’t do to annihilate its opposition; when it teaches is followers to direct seething hatred toward the opposition, things are unlikely to end well.
Featured photo by John Hain at Pixabay.
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