Poll Shows Biden’s Build Back Better Agenda Very Unpopular Among Independents, Swing Voters
Independents and undecided voters are souring on President Joe Biden’s $1.75 trillion spending plan, a new poll shows.
The survey, released Tuesday by the National Republican Congressional Committee, shows that the package has 31% support among Independent voters with 49% opposed. Among undecided voters, 39% are opposed and 25% are supportive.
While the results show a significant percentage of respondents without an opinion, opposition to the package reached 57% when voters were presented with “a series of informative messages” related to what the package contains. Support rose 12 points to 37% following these messages.
Though the survey showed the overall package to be unpopular among swing voters that delivered for Biden in last year’s election, other recent polls have shown individual provisions in the package to be popular. A Washington Post/ABC News poll released Sunday showed the overall package with 58% support, while a Morning Consult poll from November found that provisions establishing paid family and medical leave, allowing Medicare to negotiate drug prices and adding dental and vision benefits to Medicare had support of 70%, 72% and 82% of the country, respectively.
The NRCC survey also found that Republicans are leading Democrats 45%-41% among voters and 37%-26% among Independents in battleground districts. The same WaPo/ABC News poll found Republicans with a 10-point lead ahead of the 2022 elections, the largest in decades.
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