Newly Elected Va. Lt. Gov. Winsome Sears Wasted Almost No Time Trolling VP Kamala Harris
Winsome Sears, who was elected Lieutenant Governor of Virginia on Tuesday, took to Twitter on Wednesday morning to troll Vice President Kamala Harris.
Following her victory over Democratic opponent Hala Ayala, Sears, a Republican, posted a photoshopped image of her own face on Harris’ body with the caption “We did it, @TeamYoungkin,” congratulating fellow Republican Glenn Youngkin on his victory in Virginia’s gubernatorial election.
The image is a reference to a viral video from November 2020 after President Joe Biden won the presidential election. In the video, Harris is talking with Biden on her cellphone while out jogging.
“We did it. We did it, Joe. You’re going to be the next President of the United States,” Harris says before laughing. The video quickly circulated on the internet and soon earned its own “Know Your Meme” page, inspiring numerous parodies.
Sears became the first woman and woman of color lieutenant governor in Virginia’s history after claiming victory Wednesday morning. A veteran of the United States Marine Corps, Sears immigrated to the U.S. as a child from Jamaica.
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