If the Rittenhouse Trial Made You Angry, What’s Happening Now Should Infuriate You
I’d ask you to pardon the following rant, but the fact is it’s time to stop pussyfooting around. Some things just need to be said, period.
We aren’t looking at a political divide in America. We aren’t witnessing a “lack of empathy”, or “racial tensions”, or “identity politics”, or any of the other tired, sorry nonsense constantly offered up to explain the idiocy we see all around us these days. I’ll even go so far as to say we aren’t witnessing agitation purposefully sown by the “elites” to “divide and conquer” (though it certainly started out that way).
What we are seeing, plainly put, is whole-cloth insanity. I’m not using that word figuratively; I mean one hundred percent, bona-fide, men in white coats with butterfly nets, and it’s now clearly affected such a huge percentage of the world population that there is no coming back from it. These people are legit crazy, and the level of nutso is reaching fava beans and nice Chianti proportions.
You saw the same trial I did, not that anyone needed to see the whole trial because any fifteen minute portion of it was more than sufficient to prove that Kyle Rittenhouse was a victim and the scumbags he offed deserved every part of what they got. Did you know that the jury wasn’t informed about any of their criminal past?
The prosecution chose not to bring it up, which precluded the defense from doing so (exactly as it should be). Yet without even knowing how much the Rittenhouse attackers were similar in pillar-of-the-community status with, say, George Floyd and Jacob Blake, they STILL found in favor of the defendant (ALSO exactly as it should be).
You saw the same video evidence I did, which made it abundantly clear that this case should never have been brought to trial in the first place. You saw a LITERAL pillar of the community – a kid who did more in a single afternoon with a scrub-brush and muriatic acid on the walls of Kenosha businesses than most of us have done for our neighborhoods in the last decade – get absolutely railroaded by a system that, but for one righteous judge and twelve courageous jurors, intended to see the teen swing.
Know what? These people making asses of themselves in Hollywood and DC, and all the petty “protesters” across the country, saw it too. They all know with absolute certainty that Kyle Rittenhouse is innocent and the rabble that attacked him were without question guilty. They know it.
This means they’re either intentionally ignoring it and still trying to persecute this good kid, in and of itself worthy of criminal and civil charges, or they’re subject to a mass delusion from which there is no escape because they’re bat-shit looney toons.
Of course some are well aware of what they’re doing. They know it’s wrong, they know what they’re saying is a lie, and they’re doing it anyway for political purposes. I’d say most in DC fit this profile. But the Hollyweird buffoons and the people marching in city streets around the country are clearly touched in the head. Many of these people actually saw the same evidence you and I saw, and still think Rittenhouse is a “white supremacist mass murderer”. They truly believe that. There is nothing to explain this except mental defect.
Normally mental illness of this type would deserve compassion, even pity.
Sorry, but I’m all out of pity for widespread, ought-to-be-obvious, clear-cut insanity.
Current society, with their more-genders-than-Heinz-has-varieties, take-a-jab-that-serves-no-purpose-and-is-killing-people, peaceful-protests-involving-arson-and-murder…well, I’m fresh out of understanding and patience for this kind of “special” people.
The worst of it is that these lunatics are genuinely dangerous. These are people who somehow think that because a hunted-down kid defended his life half a country away, they are now entitled to steal basketball shoes from the Target they’re setting fire to.
And they’re permitted…
– no, they’re encouraged –
…to do it by those political wingnuts in DC and other governmental offices who know better but foment it anyway.
Speaking of degenerates, disgraced ex-Governor of New York Andrew Cuomo tweeted:
“Today’s verdict is a stain on the soul of America, & sends a dangerous message about who & what values our justice system was designed to protect.”
Is this really someone we need a lecture about “values” from? Especially when we know he saw the same footage we all did. His tweet is a lie; for once in a very long time, our justice system actually protected precisely who it was designed to, and he bloody well knows it.
So do the rest of the Leftist losers who offered up similar blather. It would be amusing if it wasn’t so disgusting and outright dangerous. Statements like these are issued entirely to stir up the kind of destruction we witnessed in the summer of 2020.
It’s intentional. It’s immoral. It’s downright criminal, and it’s time we started treating it that way. These people are purposefully appealing to the irrational, deluded, off-their-meds whack-jobs roaming our streets who truly don’t know any better. They want the devastation that follows.
If it wasn’t so immoral, one might be able to forgive the insanity of the foot-soldiers who will now assuredly set fire to our nation yet again. Make no mistake – this is the world that CNN hath wrought. The blame for this mass delusion lays squarely with the propaganda pushers who serve an agenda, not the public. This is the psychotropic, psychopathic fodder that is fed to these simpletons on the daily; it’s no wonder they’re so mindless that they can’t see the reality of things even when they’re smacked right in the face with it.
But it is immoral, and just as importantly it’s downright tiresome. At some point sane people have to round the insane ones up and say “ENOUGH”. Honestly, we’ve long since passed that point, but we’re obviously going to have yet another opportunity to finally do the right thing. Granted, there aren’t enough rubber rooms in the world to contain this deluded mass of miscreants, but there aren’t enough buildings for them to burn and innocent people for them to assault, either. You know as well as I do that their induced blood-lust will not be satisfied until it’s all ashes and bones.
The people behind the curtain – people like Cuomo, Kamala, and a thousand more just like them – know this, too. Many of the Hollywood stooges might also, though I have great disdain for the collective brain power in that industry. In any case, the point is that many of those who push these unhinged, irresponsible dog-whistles know full well what they’re up to. They want this country destroyed if they cannot rule it, and we’ve made it clear that we won’t allow them to rule it as they see fit.
Let me speak plainly once again; these are not my countrymen. I share nothing with them. They may wrap themselves in the same flag I fly on my porch, but we are no more of the same national blood and consciousness than I am with the terrorists of ISIS. They are not American; if they were, they could never utter such nonsense, and could never spur clearly delusional people to destruction the way they are. I share nothing with any of the people who’ve decried the JUSTICE we’ve thankfully seen for the innocent Kyle Rittenhouse.
Moreover, I simply don’t care about them on any level. Not any longer. For most of my life, I’ve been a great proponent of basic humanity and the practiced understanding and compassion which attends it, but these reckless, dangerous, disingenuous nihilists are simply not entitled to such charity. What they’re entitled to is an orange jumpsuit, a speedy trial, and proper punishment. There is criminality attached to the Rittenhouse prosecution, but it doesn’t involve the teenager who was holding the rifle.
As for the obviously insane minions who march to the beat these sociopaths drum out, I feel a slight twinge of empathy for them – but that is rapidly waning. One can only allow dangerously defective mental cases to run free for so long, especially when they’re clearly bent on destruction and no appeal to reason will stop them. I’m willing, as a compassionate human being, to offer them the pity their condition entitles them to, but little else. Where the degenerate leaders of “their side” would say I need “re-education”, I’d say likewise that they need proper medical care and treatment, but given the deteriorating condition of our medical establishment and the sheer numbers involved, I don’t believe even that is an option at this point.
They may simply need to face the prescribed punishment for people who do what they do, mental issues be damned.
What other option is left?
Featured photo is a screengrab from CNN.
Content syndicated from TheBlueStateConservative.com with permission.