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Biden guilty of tax evasion? A new report indicates he owes hundreds of thousands to IRS

A new report indicates that President Joe Biden has avoided taxes and owes approximately half a million dollars to the IRS. The report, issued by the Congressional Research Service, shared that Biden avoided paying payroll taxes by illegally using “S” corporations in 2017. The findings were first reported by the NY Post.

Biden and his radical Democrat party have blasted Donald Trump and other millionaires for not paying their fair share. They claim that tax breaks that were given by Trump and Republicans are leading to millionaires not paying their share.

Instead, it’s Biden that owes the IRS hundreds of thousands in back taxes.

According to the report, the Biden’s put speaking fees and book sales through S Corporations, allowing them to avoid paying taxes on more than $13 million in income. Rather than counting all of his income, Biden only counted $800,000.

That’s certainly not the activity of someone that understands the “working man” as Biden claims. As the Post article shares, Biden felt it more important to buy another mansion than pay his share to fund Obamacare.

Biden has claimed that he wants to close loopholes through his spending proposal that is currently under negotiation in Congress. The loophole that Biden used would be closed under the proposal, but that will do little to affect Biden now.

This report continues to tell the real story to the American people. Joe Biden is not and has not ever been the man he claimed to be. He is not “blue collar Joe” or “working class Joe.” He is elitist Joe.

He and his family profited millions off his position in the White House and in the years following. Millions that he avoided paying taxes on, all while he expects you to be a good little American and submit to his decrees. Joe Biden is a fraud.

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