Knocking on Wood is Not a Strategy
Joe Biden has knocked on wood twice in the last few days, and he may as well be clicking his heels together. Both actions will garner the same result…Nothing. This tactic does not stimulate any confidence in the words from our President, nor does the phrase: “Let me make this clear .” Nothing is clear right now as the message coming from Joe Biden does not sync with the video we see from Kabul. The chaos continues, people are being crushed to death by the crowds, including a two-year-old child on Sunday, and the Pentagon is now compelling private air carriers to assist in the evacuation. The military does not have the human resources, intel, or equipment to get this job done, and our President is laughing at questions during a Sunday press session.
Trust me that the American woman trapped in Afghanistan who recorded this message for our President as she was obviously crying does not appreciate his laughing:
“We’re scared for our lives. Every moment that a car passes by, I feel like they are going to pull in and execute us. Please, Mr. President, please evacuate us.”
You could hear the fear in her voice and could picture her situation. Two weeks ago, these Americans were going about their jobs of preserving Afghanistan. Now, because of a horrific plan, if you can call it a plan, put in place by Joe Biden, this woman and her family are clinging to hope and their lives. This while Joe Biden is laughing at reporters about his falling poll numbers. He went on to say that there would be pain and suffering due to the evacuation. It is not his pain or suffering but thousands of helpless people hoping to be rescued by an incompetent leader of the Free World. God help them.
The people that should be feeling pain and suffering are the Taliban. This gang should be pushed back by force until every last American, and Afghan citizen that wants out is rescued. We keep hearing that our State Department and the Pentagon are in contact with the Taliban. Officials are telling us the Taliban is assuring safe passage of Americans to the airport for evacuation. The Taliban is a gang of thugs. They are not a foreign government yet. Are you kidding? We might as well be talking with MS13. There is no difference. You cannot take anything these gangs say with any credibility. People are concerned about this becoming a hostage situation. It already is.
We need to send troops back into Kabul and facilitate the safe evacuation of everyone that needs to be removed from Afghanistan. We need to ensure that any military equipment abandoned at the Bagram Airfield is recovered or destroyed. No militant group, be it the Taliban or ISIS, should use any of our equipment in Afghanistan, period.
The President and Vice President should cancel all vacations to Delaware or trips to Vietnam and get themselves into the Situation Room until every person that needs to be evacuated is safely out of Kabul. Once this situation is complete, they both need to face the American people and answer questions. The President has said on more than one occasion that the buck stops with him. The Vice President claims she was the last person in the room with the President and is comfortable with all decisions made. If these statements are both factual, then maybe both should consider resignations. That might finally be a good strategy we can all support.
Biden has rewritten Teddy Roosevelt’s quote “Speak softly and carry a big stick” to Dementia Joe’s version “Speak loudly and carry a toothpick, then knock on wood”.