The Anti-Masking Coalition Declaration of Freedom From Unhealthy Facial Obstructions
This Document Was Created Because:
- The Declaration of Independence assures Americans of the unalienable rights of Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness,
- The United States Constitution assures Americans of a right of assembly and of speech, and permits the government to exercise only enumerated powers, and neither masks nor personal health are anywhere listed in the constitution as being one of the enumerated powers of government,
- No Democrat political leader (for example, Gavin Newsom, Nancy Pelosi, Anthony Fauci, or John Kerry, among others) actually believe in the certainty, or even the possibility, of their personal contraction of the covid disease if a mask is not worn by them or other people around them. The proof of this is in their not wearing masks on numerous occasions when photographed without the required mask, on outings forbidden to lesser Americans,
- Nor do Democrat political leaders (for example, Gavin Newsom, Nancy Pelosi, Anthony Fauci, or John Kerry, among others) actually believe in the certainty, or even the possibility, of their passing the covid disease on to other people near them if a mask is not worn by them or other people around them. The proof of this is in their not wearing masks on numerous occasions when photographed without the required mask, on outings not allowed to regular people,
- The supposed “science” behind all officially announced orders concerning the covid disease were not “scientific” at all, but changed repeatedly from needing no mask at all, to needing one mask, to needing two masks, from needing six feet of separation to needing only three feet of separation, to being protected by a vaccination but still being required to wear a mask,
- Government orders that everyone must wear a mask defies the logic that if a cautious person is protected when wearing a mask, which we are repeatedly assured is the case, then why do other people surrounding this mask-protected person have to wear a mask,
- If the covid vaccine protects a person from the disease, why does that vaccinated person have to continue to wear a mask,
- If a mask is too porous to keep out the covid virus, then the order to wear masks must be for show only, and is proof that politicians who order the mask be worn are behaving like dictators and are deviating from “science“,
Therefore, we, the issuers of this Declaration of Freedom, declare any order to wear a mask as being unconstitutional and therefore non-binding on American citizens.
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