RGV Border Patrol Agents Continue Apprehending Large Groups
EDINBURG, Texas – McAllen Border Patrol Station (MCS) agents remained busy this weekend as they encountered three large groups of families and unaccompanied alien children, each group was more than 100 people.
On Saturday, MCS agents working near Havana, Texas, encountered a group of more than 145 illegal aliens. Hours later, another 108 illegal aliens were apprehended near La Joya, Texas. Yesterday morning, agents working near Hidalgo, Texas, arrested a third group consisting of 116 people. In total, the three groups consisted of nearly 300 family members and unaccompanied alien children, single adults rounded out the rest of the groups. Agents determined the subjects are citizens of El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Mexico, and Belize.
RGV agents have encountered 25 groups of more than 100 people illegally entering the country this calendar year. March has been a very active month for RGV, as illegal alien apprehensions thus far have surpassed February’s total number.
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