Pennsylvania’s Own Rules Guarantee Recount Will Happen
Pennsylvania has some interesting rules regarding recounts and they pretty much guarantee that at least some, if not all, of the state’s precincts will be recounting the vote and likely by hand.
What Forces a State-wide Recount in Pennsylvania?
Candidates may not request a recount no matter the margin. But, the state is forced to do a full recount if the margin of victory is .5% or less. The margin went outside of the automatic recount on Sunday, Nov. 8.
Who Can Request a Recount
At the precinct level, anyone who voted can request a recount. If at least three people that voted in a single precinct officially request a recount, that precinct must perform a full recount of all votes in the precinct. All costs for the recount are the responsibility of those requesting the recount.
How Would a Recount be Done?
The recount regulations state that whenever or wherever a recount is initiated, every vote must be recounted using a method other than that used in the first count. That means that any precinct that used a scanner, will have to hand count for the recount. Any precincts that hand-counted the original vote, can then use scanners.
Will There Be a Recount in the Pennsylvania 2020 Presidential Election?
The tally is currently within the automatic threshold, but there are still votes to count.
But with such a low bar to request precinct-level recounts, it’s virtually guaranteed that at least a partial recount will happen in Pennsylvania.
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