Syndicated NewsWhite House Watch

President Joe Biden’s Schedule for Thursday, February 23, 2023

Schedule Summary:

President Joe Biden will receive a briefing on Thursday. There is nothing else on his schedule.

Please check back with CDN often as the White House frequently updates the president’s schedule and live streams come online later in the day.

President Joe Biden’s Itinerary for 2/23/23

Live stream links will activate as streams become available


  • 9:30 AM Receive daily briefing

( * ) – added after original schedule was published

White House Briefing Schedule

Keep an Eye on the President at Our President’s Schedule Page.

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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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  1. THATS IT??????? 2 Briefings and nothing else??? The ass is destroying our country and he sleeps through his day in the white house, to exhausted from giving our money to other countries while TOTALLY IGNORING PROBLEMS HERE WITH— C I T I Z E N S— of this country? He only kisses up to China, Russia, and the war in Ukraine, as he is afraid his dealings with him and hunter in those countries will be made public if he doesn’t this their commie AS*ES

  2. NOW I am being curtailed from speaking my comments because they feel I have already made this comment which I have not!!!!! GO TO HELL CDN

  3. Current world events are due to the Biden’s corruption lack of ability to think and leadership. When Biden met with Putin he saw a corrupt old man, weak in resolve went back to Russia and attacked Ukraine. When China was given Afghanistan by the bought and paid for Biden crime family they could not contain their expansion ideas with little or no obstacles to worry about from the USA. Biden runs around Europe accomplishing nothing, Trump strengthen NATO had members become financially current for it’s own defense and strength. After only two years in office Biden has done his best to kill America with his China first policy, shortages, weak Cabinet appointments, inflation, debt and no plan to resolve the Countries issues.

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