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Pelosi: Trump Supporters are ‘Terrorists’ and ‘Enemies of the State’

The Jacobins are coming! Naw … it is just the Democrat Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and her manufactured “Mob.” The second in line to the Presidency of the United States just went on national television to declare not only President Trump, his Administration, the House GOP, and by inference all supporters of Trump; “The Enemies of the State!” Furthermore, they are also “Domestic Terrorists!”

Just let that sink in a bit. This unhinged maniacal mad woman directly quoted:

 “We take an oath to protect and defend the Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic and sadly domestic enemies to our voting system, and our Constitution are at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave and his Republican allies in Congress.”

“One thing I’ll say to the American people, don’t pay attention to Donald Trump. It’s his goal to scare people from voting, to intimidate them by saying he’s going to have law enforcement people at the polls. To welcome, in fact, Russia intervention into our election, letting Putin decide who will be President instead of the American people. But ignore him because his purpose is to diminish the vote, to suppress the vote.”

Hard to believe? Watch it for yourself:

The Preamble of our Constitution describes the core mission, which is to ensure domestic tranquility by the establishment of the Constitutional Republic. Presumably, that would be the opposite of helping enemies of the state create mayhem and violent unrest.

So how much tranquility has Speaker of the House Pelosi, the Democrats, and the media provided for the country by supporting, enabling, and providing funding sources to the “grassroots” militant, violent rioters (criminals) destroying property, looting, injuring, even killing Americans on American city streets? How peaceful, how calm does Pelosi’s vision of our country feel to you? But Trump and crew are the enemies to our country? Is Nancy projecting here?

So much for the Democrats claiming to want to unify the divisions in our country, as proclaimed at the DNC convention. It is rather hard to unify the country when you call your political opponents and nearly half the country Enemies of the State and Domestic Terrorists.

The Alinsky – Left are well trained in using “transference” as a psychological weapon to fool gullible voters into believing that those who oppose the Left (in this case, President Trump, his Administration, allies, and supporters) are themselves guilty of the crimes actually committed by the Left. It is the Left (Democrats) trying to destroy our election system by trying to use the USPS to carry tens if not hundreds of thousands of illegitimate ballots to be counted as Democrat votes in November. The reality is the Left endorsing and inciting violence, destroying cities, twisting and breaking laws, ripping apart the fabric of our society along with our Constitution.

Dear irresponsible and wicked woman, are you claiming to the American people that the USPS Postmaster General DeJoy lied under oath? Pelosi is clearly manufacturing a postal service conspiracy theory.

Rep Steve Scalise sums it up with a punch to the gut:

Once upon a time, we lived in an America that would never have tolerated a politician, the level of Pelosi, to get away with such divisive and revolting behavior. But we do now.

The Left has evolved conservatives from “Bitter Clingers and Bible Thumpers” to “Deplorables” and now “Domestic Terrorists,” whose brand new label is “Enemies of the State!” We should reject Anti-American dangerous propaganda. And no Nancy – President Trump and his allies are not the “Enemy of the State.” Are you?

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  1. Quick!! she’s bleeding from the mouth! Make that scarf into a tourniquet and start twisting it!

  2. Pelosi republicans don’t go around hurting others just for a few bucks. It’s democrats who are destroying us and you pelosi are encouraging it all. Not once have you heard about a President Trump supporter doing any kind of harm to a democrat. Now we can’t say the same about democrats who are getting paid to destroy everything including us. Corruption is still happiness the democrats party. Tell me pelosi how much money has your son and family members not to mention you, receive from China or any other country. It’s a thing with you democrats to enrich your lives but do nothing for us. For you saying you are the most powerful woman in the world I have a hard time wrapping my head around someone who lies, cheats, blames Trump for everything the democrats have done or will be doing. Wow you are not the most powerful woman you just have the most powerful jaws to open that big mouth. When you do open it I can’t believe any thing that comes out of it. It’s funny how nervous you get when speaking about our President these days. Can’t help but wonder what you are involved with in the Obamagate and Russiagate. How much were you involved in the Iran deal, Benghazi, and other things. Why did you tell people they could go back to work and school after testing then you lie about testing. Why wouldn’t you take a test yourself? How much did democrats pay Fauci and labs to lie to us about virus. Seems like people got virus once tested, why? Why the lies about deaths? Why keep us locked up in control of democrats and their governors and mayors while protesting yourselves and encouraging the destruction of America and it’s people? We know now why Obama talk to WHO before they notified Our President. Your plans have backfired every step of the way. Biggest mistake you all made was locking us up will others allowed to roam freely. The race card played by you all wasn’t something you should of done to us. You have no place in our government. Trying to attempt a coup against our President is called treason and you all should be held accountable for it not to mention deaths from your inflicted virus from your money bag China. You are going to blow your top after November 3rd because you won’t believe the can of worms you opened on America and it’s people. Your fired.

  3. I’m a deplorable, racist white supremacist, and now I’m a terrorist and enemy of the state, good lord how did I become this monster.

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