Howard Zinn: A Leftist Teaching Americans to Hate America
Here in America, opportunity abounds for all who endeavor to improve one’s lot in life. It’s a place where the sun rises upon the hopes and dreams of more humans than any other destination in the world. So, how is it possible that the United States has become the object of hatred for so many of its own citizens, especially those under 40? What is it that animates them to destroy our statues, history, buildings, and people they don’t agree with? If the name Howard Zinn is not familiar to you, it’s time to take a look at his influence in our educational system relevant to the teaching of American history.
Karl Marx’s spirit has taken several leaves of absence over the years from his position as high-lord of collectivist hell to further his interests here on earth. When he’s not lording over the long-passed souls of bourgeois and proletariats wandering aimlessly through blighted streets behind un-pearly gates, he’s busy infusing college professors, politicians, and media-types with the desire to run amok proselytizing for the poisonous ideas contained in his Communist Manifesto. In 1966, he animated Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven to create the notorious Cloward/Piven Strategy meant to overload the public welfare system to precipitate a crisis that would lead to its replacement with a new national system of welfare and universal income. To this day, disciples of “The strategy” are slowly making incremental gains towards its implementation in many countries.
More recently, and definitely more nefarious, Marx’s influence is evident in Howard Zinn’s A Peoples History Of The United States, written in 1980. Zinn’s work is one of historical distortion, plagiarism, omissions, and outright fiction at times, conceived to undermine the moral founding of America. Over the last decade, Mr. Marx has re-emerged in our universities to double-down on the mission of possessing college professors to do the dark work of convincing our children to choose socialism over market-based capitalism. Father Damien Karras in the exorcist had an easier time expelling Beelzebub from that little girl, Reagan, than we will to excise the demons of Marxism that currently inhabit the shells of today’s university professors and the indoctrinated minds of their students across America.
A young Thomas Jefferson admired the thoughts of the great political philosopher Montesquieu and recognized the wisdom they contained. He copied the following passage to his journal for future reference and inspiration:
“A government is like everything else: to preserve it; we must love it. Everything, therefore, depends on establishing this love in a republic, and to inspire it ought to be the principal business of education.”
Howard Zinn’s ideas now permeate every level of education in this country and are the antithesis of Montesquieu and Jefferson. In the book, Debunking Howard Zinn by Mary Grabar, she succinctly sums up Zinn’s influence on generations of Americans. She writes:
“A People’s History is more than another left-wing interpretation of American history.” Zinn’s propaganda has been spectacularly effective. His dishonest American history is not the only factor in Americans’ turn away from their heritage of freedom toward communist fantasies … but he has been instrumental in this destructive transformation.
Stanford University professor Sam Wineburg, who was astonished by the Zinns insidious use of deceptive rhetorical devices to compose such a dishonest, unfair abomination of a so-called history book wrote:
“With dozens of … outlandish suggestions and grossly dishonest rhetorical tricks … Howard Zinn has succeeded in convincing a generation of Americans that the nation Abraham Lincoln truly called ‘the last best hope of Earth’ is essentially a racist criminal enterprise built on murdering Indians, exploiting slaves, and oppressing the working man.”
There is a long list of respected historians who harbor similar sentiments to those of Sam Wineburg at Stanford University, and there is a good reason for it. Zinn reduces all events of American history to its shortcomings without emphasis on the great strides to overcome them. Like a good communist, Howard Zinn refers to North Vietnamese communist leader Ho Chi Minh as “A people’s leader and liberator.” He conveniently excludes the two-million murdered under Pol Pot in Cambodia. Regarding WW2, Zinn says The United States was no better than Hitler’s Germany or Japan. In fact, America fought only because our “main interest was not stopping Fascism but advancing the imperial interests of the United States.” It’s no surprise that Zinn coddles Marxist leaders, given his history of membership in Soviet front groups and helping found the socialist New Party that helped begin Barrack Obama’s political career.
The indoctrination of radical declarations by Zinn and others is playing out daily for all to witness as we navigate the days of rage and civil unrest in our cities. Observe the normalization of seditious speech:
Clergy behind speaker applauds. *smh*
— Karen Townsend (@penguinponders) July 18, 2020
Over 2.6 million copies of Howard Zinn’s, A People’s History, have been sold, and over the last 40 years, they’ve been placed in libraries and school districts all across the United States. From coast to coast, young people are destroying statues, demanding name changes to anything remotely out of line with the new “Woke” ideals of progressive radicalism. Most of these youth have been exposed to Zinn’s incomplete and slanted version of history, and it’s evident in their contempt for the country, its founders, and anybody today who expresses any allegiance to America.
It is because there are valid points in the complaints that’s’ why.
BUT, that is the simple answer….the Problem is extremism!
The pendulum swings from one swing to another, but seemingly never appears to land in the middle. Why do I say that?
Well take for instance my postings about taxation, how many taxes do we pay, and do we get a say as to where it goes? It appears that yearly there are ever new taxes to pay and always increases to the taxes already paid and mind you: it was done withOUT the people’s say so! Even though we have representatives that are supposed to hold our proxy vote (Hence the term representative) and yet when we complain, write, address (Townhalls) protest, it happens anyway-So essentially we did NOT have a say-although they say we did.
Another problem of extremism, after 911 and the Patriot act, we had militarization of our Police, so who are they really protecting and serving. It was supposed to be for anti-terror, and yet we have tanks on our streets. Why are we using tear gas and rubber bullets when we can use dyed water cannons to disperse acts of Violent protesting. We are fighting violence with violence, so who is correct here? what the heck is the message we are sending?
Another problem, price/wage discrepancy. Every time we hear “tax the rich” Tax the big companies, OK the companies the rich get higher taxes: but, guess who really pays the taxes? We the Middle class! By our wages, WE have less benefits. By purchasing, now the product is more expensive. By Real Estate, the companies get the tax break while my school and real estate taxes go up.
Then there is forced acceptance. The 1st amendment is gone! I have to be careful how I express myself while with friends in a bar (yes people have overheard me speak and immediately attack me-who the heck do they think they are that they can tell me what to believe and how I can speak ) what of aIl speak. Further a fellow co-worker recently fired after over 25 years on the job because of an EMAIL!?! No unemployment paid after so many years, one tiny mistake (and indeed it was an innocent mistake)
So then there is control of your life, what do you wear, who do you support (politically). Now systemic racism is yet again rearing it’s ugly head
We also are seeing a double teared justice system, if you do not have money you are stuck. Also if you are politicly connected. Yeah, how about them FBI agents lying (Don’t you dare lie to one of them though). How about those Congressman that paid off for sexual harassments using TAXPAYER monies. How about a congressman lying into a congressional record (Adam Schiff comes to mind)
Then you have the vigor and sympathies of youth, emotions are played upon (they say while young you must have heart, but when you are old you must have soul).
So, we get torn asunder by those with wisdom to know but NOT act out, by those with youth with heart that do!
Emotions are played, propaganda is used, and destruction of a nation occurs,
This nation was created and was spectacular because we THEN could accept difference’s, we listened to all sides, we compromised, we agreed to disagree. We wanted to learn, listen, work together, even love our differences—when did hate become a part of it all-THAT is what is killing us, the extremism of hate, of divide, of ignorance, love is lost, so are we!
Here in America, opportunity abounds for all who endeavor to improve one’s lot in life. It’s a…